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Incidental Minds

A member registered Nov 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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What part of the level? Do you mean that the 4 of 5 flowers did blossum at once and the one did not? 

Thanks for the feedback, we're glad that you enjoyed it! Which level do you mean exactly?

Ak si myslela odtiene farieb, tak s tým sme dosť bojovali aby to bolo dostatočne odlíšené a zároveň vizuálne konzistentné - asi to ešte budeme upravovať aby tam boli jasnejšie rozdiely medzi jednotlivými fázami

Ďakujeme 😊 

Hej, je tam bug, kvôli ktorému sú párne tiles mätúce - máme ho už fixnutý, ale nechceli sme porušovať pravidlá, takže ho nahráme až po hodnotení game jamu. 

Thanks! We really appreciate it! 😊

(1 edit)

We introduce you to a new short, but intense narrative-driven puzzle game/walking-sim, combining elements of games such as Firewatch, Virginia, and The Witness with the harsh life of a Rock Star.

In Off Stage, you play as a musician who suffers a mental breakdown and loses motivation and joy of music. By completing several kinds of puzzles you advance in the emotional stages of his journey to a new beginning. 

Enjoy the psychological roller-coaster enhanced with original music.

Play for free on
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We are so happy to hear you liked our game and you can relate to the thought it is based on. Thanks for a wonderful video review!

Thank you so much, we really appreciate it! 😊