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A member registered Nov 02, 2020

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Hey I play on Android and the game loader takes way too long to download the game data, as in waiting for hours will only get you so far as 3% or even less. is there any way to download it faster?

Bruh! the breast enlargement quest is too complicated! I replayed the game over and over again too many times but I just can't finish the quest! because everytime I dream about the jerk 5 or 6 times he will then introduce me to this girl tanya and then we'll be on the same room cause tanya will now be using the room that i am previously using and then it's pretty much impossible from then on cause even if I dream about the jerk 7 times or more whenever I talk to the jerk it'll be the same conversation everytime. I'll say "hey...." flash my breast and then wink, on the other hand the jerk will then respond thinking (man she's such a tease) and that's it! that will be the only conversation that will happen between me and the jerk after tanya arrive! man I'm so frustrated cause I've been playing the game for 3 days now replaying it over and over again trying a different approach everytime and still, I just can't figure it out!.. HOW!!? How can I progress to that breast enlargement quest????

Hey!... Is there any way to download the game data faster? I've been trying to download it for days now but I just can't stand how long it takes to download, so I kept on cancelling and downloading it over and over again, plus the download doesn't even progress if your screen is not on the game loader so I have to wait it out for so long and I can't use my phone for any other functions while waiting. I was staring at the download screen cause I could do nothing else while waiting for it to be downloaded and it takes 30-45 minutes to see some progress. One time I was waiting for 6 hours straight and it doesn't even made it to 10% of the game data and then I tried leaving it on load then I slept hoping that when I wake up in the morning it will be fully downloaded but doesn't even make it to 25% do I have to wait for days!!? Please tell me there's a faster way to download the game data. I really wanna play this new version!

Hey I'm playing on android so i'm using joiplay and just want to ask if can i somehow keep my saves even when i download the new update?

Hey I'm playing on android so i'm using joiplay and just want to ask if can i somehow keep my saves even when i download the new update?

I really hope so too dude, 

So please Runey42, I know you'll read this make it happen on the next version or on the future updates. Give Maria what she deserves!

I had it in mind (i  got a hint on the conversation with "Syl'ris" the queen of lowland elf) but surprised as well, Maria is my favorite girl so i feel so sorry for her.

And no bro!! no! Stop it! Don't hope to see her more with a collar that's just torture for her, come on man she had enough.

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Duuude! why would u do that to Maria, she clearly deserve better :< Though i must admit that you deserve a praise for making me so attach to a fictional character bro haha. I hope maria gets what she deserves as her story continues on the future version. Love your game keep up the good work man <3

Happy to help man...

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Hey caribdis, i know you're busy developing your new game Eternum and i know u said that this Once in a Lifetime game of yours  was already finished. I just want to know if there will be more future update on this game like it says on the end cause i've already finished the story in all ways possible (i tried all the different endings) like a month ago, i love it so much but still want more so i was hoping that there will be more future update on this one, i know you're currently occupied by developing eternum and i'm not rushing you, you can take as much time as you need and i'll be waiting patiently, and i hope you continue to develop eternum as well cause i'm also waiting for that game's update i'm just really hooked by your games you're so good at writing stories so i'm looking forward for eternum's update and this game's update as well, that's why i want to know if you'll still be having an update on this one even if you already finished the story. So will there be or are you planning for more future updates for Once in a Lifetime?

Bro get back to the story a little, don't take the grimoire back at the mansion so that the priest will help u

wouldn't that lose my progress?

It's not there when i first started playing it just appeared suddenly so i know there has to be a way to remove it

hey can someone help me, it just appear suddenly and I don't know what do i do to remove that black thingy over the top left side i tried restarting the game many times already but it's still there no matter how many times i restart the game. Don't know what to do so can someone help me get rid of that black annoying thing please...

Hey what do i answer on kate's "???" question?

I just finished playing this game bro and i was like "maaaaaan i gotta write a review" cause it was freaking awesome dude, the animations is so lit and the story dang dude you sure are a total master writer caribdis, I'm so exited for the release of 0.2 keep up the good work man you're so awesome dude hehe i like it a lot.

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Man im not really a fan of visual novel type of this kinda game i always prefer ADV or RPG, but maaaaan! this game instantly became my favorite of all, it changes my perspective about vn games and i've never been so attached to a visual character like i've been on this game's character (specially to Lauren and ofc Stabby Mike haha). I've already replayed it like idk 7 or 8 times already to achieve different endings but man i'm not planning to uninstall or delete it. I'll be waiting for this game's future updates and improvement, not saying it really needs improvement it's already awesome and lit as it is now so i'll be continuing to support this game throughout its future development.

You've gained yourself an avid fan my man Caribdis :>

(Also while typing this comment i'm currently downloading your new game ETERNUM i haven't played it yet but i know already that it'll be as awesome as ONCE IN A LIFETIME cause you've already proven that you're a master on writing such an amazing and awesome storylines, and i also read the comments on the community profile of your new game haha)

I hope you continue to excel and create more amazing games and contents of your current games in the future, the world needs more amazing game creator/developer like you haha, kudos to all your good work man you deserve an award and a lot of praises.

ooh that makes sense didn't realize it earlier haha sorry man and thankyou, 

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Hey man i have a question to ask, i am confident that i did nothing wrong on rebecca's route but in the end i couldn't convince her to abandon her wedding and come with me so i always end up getting "lost path" so just wondering if its just how the way it really ends or is there another way around?...

okay thanks ^^

Hey so uhh.. on the scene like where all the girls at (the first scene on the final update), the part where the two redhead ladies making out, the screen would go totally black but i hear sounds and i wait for about 2 to 3 minutes for a picture or clip to appear but nothing will happen and its just the same when i restart the game i even re downloaded the latest version but still nothing change, so can i get some help?... I'm using android btw....

Yow im lacking a broken key piece to craft a pirate key so i can open the chest where the pirate ship rests, I kinda messed it up crafting a chest key in advance so now i need a broken key and i dont know where to get one. Can anyone suggest where i can get some?😅

Wow, thanks dude that is some good news ;)

Ey yo DPMaker, I'm just wondering if there's a date or a schedule of when will you release the 10.4 version for free?? U know i am very eager to know how the story progresses specially now that the main story is complete

I've finished kali's story but still 0/5 is written on the misc info

Hey runey how could i initiate some event with lucia I've already chosen to have sex with her in the trenero's house and i could have some fun with her in the utility room but the misc info said "Lucia 0/5"

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Dude i chose to have sex with lucia at trenero's so how could i trigger some event?

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Dude i literally done everything i've even finished all the main characters story but still, "Nia 5/5" is written on the misc info but the "Let's have some fun..." option on Nia was still empty. the misc info also have "Lucia 0/5" what am i going to do to initiate some event on Lucia??

Hey Runey42 is Strops statement true?

Hey so I've chosen the "Love Route" instead of Slave Route for the elves Sylvia and Nia and it's been a lot of days now I've been checking on them regularly but there's no progress at all or let's say i never get a chance to make love on them just wondering if I'll be able to you know...

Thanks ^_^

Hey can somebody please tell me how to earn more money besides selling pinups and the everyday earnings of the hotel dude it takes forever to earn even a single thousand it will take eternity to buy the sanctuary and all those elves. Thanks in advance <3

Okay noted, and kudos for such a great job i really like the concept of the game like there's an orc, an elf, a goblin, a demon i just love the game very much, i wish i could help for the game development but i really couldn't afford to be a patreon member if only there's another ways, but anyway just congratulation for such a great game and i will keep looking forward for its development and success. ^_^

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Hey so I'm already done  playing the version "0.10.0" weeks ago, and since then I've been always checking the patch note for a new version. Just wondering when will the next free version be released?...