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A member registered Feb 16, 2022

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the game is still laggy as fuck even after 1.9.3 and im starting to believe its a me issue, what can i possibly do to fix it?

so i decided to install the new 1.9.2 update and upon loading the game, the game fps went from anywehre between 40-60 fps, to now being less than 20, not only is the game really slow, but the entire game slows down upon updating, the game music started several seconds before “CRY” was shown and even then it lagged for a bit, im unsure if this is a change that was done after then “win 7” support, i already ran windows 7 prior to the update and the game ran beautifully, and now theres the issue of the game becoming insanely laggy

actually now that i think about it wasnt there an issue with windows thinking the game was malware? could have my pc thought the game was a virus and deleted it?

actually i was running a virus clear prior to this happening, would it be related to that or no?

i checked, every single save file is 0%

i've previously had an 82% completed save file of the game, and in the middle of a game i attempted to save scum (dont be mad at me please) by quitting to menu and then going back to the game, however this seems to have angered the game, and now my save file is completely wiped, and i cannot open the game in 1.8.1 anymore, are there any possible ways i can fix this?

ok guy so this issue involves blue room 1, from what i have seen, sometimes there is a singular enemy that drops a coin in blue room 1, and sometimes it doesnt, jokes aside, why does that happen?

    before i say anything in this suggestion, i just want to say this game is amazing, i always wanted to play a rougelike tower defense game and this game does it more than amazingly, however even with how good it is i still do feel as though the game can get alot of additions (its in alpha after all) and as anyone who would see an uncomplete game would do, i give my ideas, do note most of these ideas will pull from the original binding of isaac games and or other sources of media if not partially original, so without futher ado lets start with, THOUGH DO NOTE IN BABIES SECTION, IF STATS NOT MENTION THEN ITS BASICALLY THE SAME AS B.B.
    while i feel this would be very weird for the game i still feel it would be better to have something similar than to not have a large problem which ive faced personally with the game is 1- there are no cheap towers besides starters 2-blue room literally has 1 good strat and thats not good, so my idea here was to add 2 or 3 of each of the starter plants (2-3 heart producers, 2-3 walls,etc etc) and familiars, the idea of familiars is something similar to another suggestion on here (which i cant remember the writer of it for the life of me) every run you start with an extra 5th tower that would be locked through the whole entire run and you can change in the menu, another idea to make the game a bit more diverse, is to add an easy mode, you get an item at the start of each game that you dont have to pay coins for, this mode mostly would be so new players learn the game more easily
    1-Maggot, slow speed, low health, if it kills a baby the baby will explode into 3 other maggots (the surrounding babies are not directly damaged)
    2-Leper flesh, medium speed, medium health, the leper does not damage towers, however it can pass right through them
    3-Mullighoul, high speed, medium health, same ability as leper
    4-Blaster, slow speed, high health, shoots the double fly things (i cant remember its name for the life of me)
    5-Mushroom, low health, pops out of random tiles and shoots in all cardinal directions, damaging babies, cannot directly kill the player
    6-Boil, acts the same as poop, but can regenerate if not killed fast enough
    7-Selfless knight, very low speed, high health, with every enemy killed after the knights spawns, the speed will increase by a bit
    8-The fecal titan, slow speed, high health, when killed explodes and replaces all empty times in 3x3 area with poop
    9-The bloon, slow speed, low health, all towers in corresponding lane shoot faster (like 10%), but when killed the towers will shoot slower (also probably 10%)
    10-Thunderat, high speed, low health, every 10 seconds will shoot a bolt that randomly damages 3 babies (each bolt does around 5% of brother bobby's hp)
    11- The cupcake man, very low speed, very high health, will convince one of your babies to come over for a cupcake (if it reaches said baby's tile), turns baby into a monster depending on cost (more expensive=stronger)
    (we will start with the familiars since they were mentioned in [2], just to say this all familiars will be marked by [F] and you can only have 1 familiar on screen and if it dies you can replace it(and before you say some of them have nothing to do with the original game im just tryna give ideas)and starter units will be sprinkled in between and they will be marked by [S])
    1-F-Azazel, 300 cost, same health as a b.b., attack is a strong beam that can pass 10 enemies but shoots after a very long cooldown, can move from any tile to an empty tile, cannot enter an occupied tile
    2-F-Judas, 200 cost, there are 2 modes, judas normal and judas dark
    judas normal will shoot with the slightly more power and health than b.b., but if it gets 3 full kills, it will become dark judas
    dark judas deals double damage, but if an enemy comes to attack it, it lets the enemy by under any circumstance
    3-F-Magdalene, 100, cost 1.5 b.b's health, produces hearts at 1.25 the rate of a lil chad
    4-F-Cain, 200 cost, .33% damage of b.b, 4x attack speed, and higher chance of enemies to coins
    5-Leviathen baby, slow recharge, 150 cost, low health and damage, can move from any tile to an empty tile, cannot enter an occupied tile
    6-Crap baby, mid recharge, 100 cost, less damage from b.b, when killed spawns 2 friendly small poos
    7-Baby hydra, slow recharge, 400 cost,more damage than bb but equal health, 2 phases, incased and outraged, after being placed the hydra will be in incased mode, incased mode will not attack and has the same health as outraged, after a dozen or so seconds it will become outraged, when outraged it will be able to attack, and if i killed when outraged, it will spawn 3 baby hydras in any open tile in their incased forms
    8-S-Small baby, fast recharge, 0 cost, sun producer, half of lil chads hp, produces 25 hearts at half of lil chads rate
    9-S-Umbilical baby, trapper,  25 cost, long recharge, when a monster walks on the tile this baby was placed on it dies
    10-S-Tyrant baby, 100 cost, long recharge, will throw any monster that comes to the tile infront of it, has 4 throws per plant, and a 3 sec cooldown per throw
    11-S-Behaving baby, 75 cost, mid recharge, shoots knives at double of b.b.s attack speed but dealing double damage
    12-S-Bright-minded baby, 75 cost, mid recharge, deals less damage than b.b, can shoot upwards
    13- Happy slime, 50 cost, slow recharge, shoots 2 projectiles in alternation, 1st can hit ground enemies, 2nd hits flying enemies, deals half the damage of b.b, blocks fliers
    14-Baby queen, when a charger is lost all units have 2x attack speed for a period of time
    15-mini charger, 125 cost, very long cooldown, acts identically to a charger but takes up a tile
    16-The rat king , 75 cost, instant usable, speeds up monsters and makes them move away from a specific tile, either in its direction or opposite
  5. ITEMS
    1- Bobs rotten head, all will become friendly monsters upon death 99
    2-Dads key, enemies in safes open after a few shots only 33
    3-Reusable deck of cards, allows you to reroll items at the next shop 99
    4-Forget me now, speed down pills no longer appear 33 
    5-Isaac's tears, all babies that use plain attacks will do 1.5 damage 99
    as for now i will consider this specific list complete, i dont mind if half of these concepts get scrapped but i do feel its worth a look, thank you for reading :)