Amir, is a tad fancy in awe of what is, computational in-value. He neatly took ruby, and engineered a machine learner... ;) or at least, so I say. he is a working holic. in vision, one will say, he needed paid to leave for a second honey moon.
in I, nothing but a respect to the crew.
in tow, the very myth of being a programmer, is fraught with education. and they, have an astute asset, to let you do it. it came with a manual, is why I had to start on a 95 windows machine [no internet] and dos, running a QBasic input system. in the end, I never do it.
In what I can imagine, his vision is for the future... is met with demanding consumers, who get exactly what they ask and demand. he bends over backwards to make the systems work well.
if I had a million dollars, I would ask him to narrowly wed again. and enjoy a 34 day paid vacation.
sadly, I don't. and he gave me a free license, as I earn 0 taxable, and less than 5 grand.
thanking you. <3