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A member registered Apr 26, 2022

Recent community posts

IS pregnancy in the game? and if so who gets pregnant?

sooo... i cant seem to switch my stat bonus from chiharus onsen? is it not in the game yet?

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i did but she was like "oh, tehe i gotta work" you know

nvm i found i had to talk to rinny

so where do i go to make contcat with alissa after meeting her in transylvania?

the stripclub can make really good money

I am having a lot of fun with this game btw, i love it. it's not perfect but then again not everything is, i think i have a bug, because when i go to the out skirts and fight i can't seem to capture anybody i beat anymore so i don;t know what happened?

what job is tactics linked too? or what does a counselor and a courtier need?

i have a question? 

Does going over for an ability have any effect? For example i have this one run where i have over 10 strength (without eatung a single consort or human without necessity) and i just want to know if that has any ither effect other than a new title?

I can tell you if you want?

Hi do you think you could give me a quick run down on the stats and what they do? so what i mean is, in the slave part what does piety and such mean? and also which jobs use which attributes? 

also is there a way to increase lust maximum?

sorry too bring all this on you if its to much trouble you dont have too.

thank you very much for being as active as you are

man there some i wish i could edit just so i could enhance the english and grammar cause a few scenes have caught me, i would love to help but i feel like i would just be a hindrance. 

sorry to bring that up nevermind what i said

again thanks for being active

is corruption and beast form tied? or seperate? and what does corruption do to the mc?

also is there any part of the story where they mention that wher genitailia is huge or modified? i.e. the wolf concotion that gives you a knot. is any of that mentioned yet?

also there isnt a potion that can help bring you back to a human eh? 

also your height changing? no mention from the characters eh?

Sorry about all the questions.

is the victorian town just upper new ark?

what are the max amount of slaves your allowed to have at once? and was it lessened between the updates?

Does this game have a wiki or something thats lists possibilitys of calculations? cause there are some things i wonder about, 

like, for example, if you have a slave become a really good healer do you heal extra when end day or something along those lines?

sorry about all the questions

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nevermind as the baahla thing has been fixed, but something wierd happened to my health when i swapped over the versions and my health went down from 125 to 65 and lust from 100 to 37 i dont know why or what happened. sorry to throw all this on you at once, i should mention im on the the recent pub' release and not the patreon dev release

sorry about this, but is there someplace, like a website, i can go to see what all the stats do and all the jobs need and also what all effects them  and effects they give?

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nvm im a risky motherfucker and downloaded it anyways, and yes it does work from such a large jump. i forgot to say but a have a worker who is busted when i go into the job report it says she couldnt consume blue cap which is worsening its health

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if i get the latest public release version will i be able to play with all my save data from 4.5? or no? oh and i dont if it got fixed already? but dialogue with baahla is broken when you date her cause it immedietly goes to the bottom of the convo and it goes wonk y when you scroll up

sorry about all this but is there a way to aqcuire more health for your character?

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man im not gonna say, but a maelys scene is mean and i mean in the kokoro mean, love it, but god damn didnt see it coming.

k sorry i found it out i was just being unobservant, but i did manage to break linda in ldo somehow sorry

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too be honest i think i broke ldo cause i cant open the door in the lost lab

in ldo, in the lost lab, im at the puzzle i just need to know in what order are the buttons numbered? Is the bottom button the first or the fourth?

what puzzle was the easier one?

the ruined lab is there a solution to the switch puzzle or do you need magic?

sorry what do you mean? is the code the part where you get in the boss fight?

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wait thers a code now? when was that put in? and where?

also if i want to experience more of the story should i play lust doll og?

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alright thanks

i was so over powered i one shot a lot of things during it

sorry that i posted this question here its just that there is no topic borad for LD plus. sorry my original question was where do you find it?

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so i don't know where to go and how to get it, if anyone knows how to get hyper anything, could you let me know? thank you eh

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@indivi , 

I just want to say your game is pretty fun for absolutly no reason, it was so much more fun than i thought it would be, i mean i finished the game within 22 hours. are you doing this alone also? if so i would sit and straight up learn how to code to help you make this game i found it that fun. sorry if i asked a bit too much, eh.