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A member registered Mar 18, 2022

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maybe 25% would be better, 50% seems a little too much

I have an idea for a neat little addition, Add the ability to delete nations in spawning nations time cuz i think we all have those moments where we accidentally place one extra nation, and we just have to restart and place everything back down also having the ability to end a nation during the game or for some reason during spawing nation time. it just puts out the annexing effect and the nation turns into unclaimed territory. The delete nations during spawn nations time would be a side tool so it would go, Spawn Nations, Delete Nations and ready. Of course when you click on a nation to delete it would put up a prompt saying if u do want to delete it. when you want to stop deleting nations it would say "stop deleting nations" like stop spawning nations thing. End Nation thing would be on the ability tab when you press a nation and open the 3 dots that shows all the other stuff like "revolt" and "attack
