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Infinite Expansion

A member registered 93 days ago · View creator page →

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Huh I don't know what you mean its already here

Yeah I already converted it like 3 days ago but hadnt the time to test it since I was on holiday. I will upload it today or tomorrow

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I am cur working on a new project and I want to bring the android/mobile version with the bug fixing. I will have a look at it in the weekends ^.^

Hmm yes I just saw what you mean, will fix this when it comes for mobile. But for me its still long but can still read it, maybe because of different Monitors.

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ty for your concern,  and I already start developing a new Project, that I will announced today or tommorow on my patreon

Well it is my first game so I dont know haha. Its either very complicated or just some clicks. I will look into it for you

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ty I shall develop till my last breath haha