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A member registered May 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great job with the game, I love the sense of space you get from being in the ship and needing to interact with your crew. Its a short experience but I still got a good understanding of the crew from their interactions.

This was great! I love the game concept and how it gave a sense of life for you and your crew. I'm a really big fan of the timing of music for certain events as well.

Fantastic job with this, the puzzle mechanics to the game are a ton of fun to play with and the little robot plug friends are cute! 

My only complaint is the controls take a while to get used to and even then my directions still got screwed up from time to time.

Fantastic job with this, the puzzle mechanics to the game are a ton of fun to play with and the little robot plug friends are cute! 

My only complaint is the controls take a while to get used to and even then my directions still got screwed up from time to time.