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Inflatable Studios

A member registered Nov 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the comments and for using the app!

I'm actually working on a new version of the app right now that will address the issues you mentioned (and a lot more). It should be available within a month or so.

That's great!  Thank you for taking the time and effort to translate OPSE so more people can enjoy using it.  Please send it to and I will post it on the OPSE page.

Great to hear that you're enjoying OPSE!  I also like using it for brainstorming ideas and for group games.

That's great!  I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying OPSE.  Adding a dice roller is one of the top requested features, so maybe that will be coming to the mobile apps soon!

Great!  I hope you've been in enjoying OPSE.  I use it for GMing as well and I think its a great way to make group games feel less... railroady. :)

Thank you for the nice comment!  I'm happy as long as people can use and enjoy it.

Glad you're enjoying OPSE!  One way to add in unexpected random events is to leave the jokers in the deck and then add a Random Event (Action Focus + Topic Focus) when you draw one.  You could add a Pacing Event as well if you wanted.  I think a Pacing Event would tend to escalate the current situation and a Random Event would move it in a new direction.

A good question!  The first page is the oracles themselves and is technically all you need to play.  That is the one page in One Page Solo Engine.  For people who want a bit more, I also added a second page of optional Generators.  The third page is just some information on how the system was built and some tips on using it.

Thanks for the comment and glad you like it! There's an app version that you can use in the browser or on mobile.  I haven't planned to release it for Windows, but there's no reason I couldn't if people want to use it like that.

(1 edit)

I'm super glad you're using the application!  Unfortunately I don't think a mobile release is in the cards for this one since very few people actually ended up using it and I'd have to pretty radically change the layout to make it scalable.  If you need an online tool that works on mobile (but is arguably waaaay less cute) you can try

Thanks for checking it out!  I'm loving Space Aces, by the way.  Great work!

Thanks for the feedback!  I've added back in some of the extra interpretations for each suit in version 1.6.  It should hopefully be posted in the next few day.

That would be awesome!  The document is licensed under Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA 4.0), so you are free to use it in your own games, even commercially, as long as you give appropriate credit and share the changes you make to it.