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A member registered Jun 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi there! I've just installed your demo on my iMac. I'm getting super glitched out graphics and can't play the game. Reinstalling doesn't seem to fix it.  Not sure if this is a mac specific bug. It worked fine on my windows machine. 

Running Mac Mojave 10.14.6. Radeon HD Graphics.

Take it easy! Good luck with the move! 🥰

Vote for your favourite character in Rook's Twitter poll! ❤

Wooohooo! 🥳

(2 edits)

I'm so happy you liked the logo! 😁 good luck with your dev work and enjoy a well deserved break! 🥰

I just finished playing this! What a cool concept! I don't want to spoil the story for anyone who is thinking of playing... Totally unexpected! I loved it!

I absolutely ADORE isiah so much. We need more characters like him. 😍

It might be a good idea to add the cerberus sprite to your game cover. It's such a unique part of your story. If i'd known they were a cerberus i would have clicked INSTANTLY.

I really hope the rest of your development process goes smoothly! <3

(pssst. also join the Furry Visual Novel's Discord Channel! We'd love to talk to you!)

I was totally about to say the same thing!

I really can't put into words how blown away I was by this update! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I went back and re-read through the whole thing and it really flows incredibly well. Some things that I was a little confused by in the last build now made perfect sense. 

Also these new sprites are SO PRETTY. Shax and Sevos have the most adorable eyes and expressions. and dont get me started on Nerus. 😏

The sound track is great and i love the interactions between Sevos and Shax. The custom UI is clean and impressive especially considering how difficult is to do custom UI work. 😮

One thing I have noticed is that from a performance standpoint, your VN uses more system resources than any other i've played. Averaging around 15% cpu usage consistently. (Running on a surface pro 4 here and its the only one i've played that can turn the system fan on 😅)  This has to be the smoothest VN i've played, especially when it comes to transitions and UI. 

Really loving the story and can't wait to see where it goes from here. Good luck with your development! 🥰

This is a really promising game and you've put an incredible amount of work here! I've really enjoyed the game so far. 

Something that i think your project may benefit from here is asset compression. At 857+ MB it's quite a large install, especially for an Android build.

I'm assuming you've scanned the artwork or taken photos. Directly importing those assets into the game engine will give you a very large install size. 

If you've got Adobe CC (Lightroom, Photoshop, Bridge or Camera RAW) all support batch image compression that will let you keep the same quality but reduce file size. There are a number of free online tools that can help with this.

I'm looking forward to seeing where this project goes, keep up the good work! 

Good luck with your development! :3

HOLY MOLY this VN is impressive! The soundtrack herevery is GORGEOUS. 

I really can't put into words how much i love the sounds youve chosen. <3 <3 

As someone who is working with currently the UI and backgrounds are fantastic. The backgrounds have a consistent style and they are visually interesting as they are. (A lot of devs use a very basic filter effect and poorly implement it. These effects are so well done here. They wouldn't look out of place in a big budget game.)

Overall I really like the story and the direction its going. The writing was good and your character sprites are very very nice looking. I've finished the story content you've written so far and I've got so many questions... I want to know more haha.  

The font you've chosen for the dialogue screen was a little difficult to read in some of the longer lines. I really appreciate it's stylistic effect, and it definitely makes your VN stand out from others. Some of the longer sentences or paragraphs could probably benefit from being broken up into seperate lines. This makes it easier to digest. 

I really hope you get the attention you deserve for this demo! I'm really impressed. Fingers crossed you'll think about releasing an update soon! :)  

I really enjoyed playing this VN and it's got so much potential! I'm really looking forward to your next update! :) The story and the visuals are really engaging! Such pretty sprites o3o

In the 'Enter Your Name' screen, it might be a good idea to include the words 'Defaults To Ludus'. Later in my playthrough, the name changed back to Ludus from the name I had chosen. I was a little confused haha. 

Is the MC going to get a sprite or is that for us to imagine? 

Can't wait for your next update! :D

Because this is your first build I wanted to give you some solid feedback (or share my feelings at the very least), but mostly I just wanted to share how much I enjoyed playing Cor! :) 

The opening was unique and it grabbed my attention right away. The dialogue flows easily and each character seems to have their own voice which is FANTASTIC. 

So far the game has a lighter tone and it's really easy to pick up and enjoy. There wasn't a huge infodump at the begining. Thankyou! 

The sprites are cute and expressive. I really liked that you've included the main character sprite, i always love it when VN's include the MC.  (Though initially I was a little confused as to who it was... It would require extra work but perhaps you could include a frame of them staring at their own reflection to introduce the player to the MC's sprite.)   Faust and Hector are especially cute. 

It might be a good idea to include some 3/4 turned character sprites during group conversations? When everyone is facing forward it can be a little  monotonous, but the art style here is super cute, and character expressions change frequently so it's not a huge issue. :) 

The soundtrack is definitely not your conventional generic piano VN soundtrack and it works really well! Sound often feels like an afterthought in a lot of games and it works to both set the mood and keep each scene feeling different enough from the last. 

While the dialogue is great, I would consider maybe breaking up the longer sentences into separate lines? Or at the very least do so on the mobile builds. 

Whereabout is Cor set? (Europe? Americas?)

Definitely looking forward to the next build! 

What an incredible update! I really liked the motion effects and lighting effects... Also really good writing and soundtrack! 😁

There are so many different ways this story could go so i'll definitely be looking forward to the next update. :)

Also, I know it confirms the fact that I'm horribly immature but I really laughed out loud when the game rejected my inappropriate dish names ;__;

Wow! I wish my university had a bakery on campus ;_;

Jayce's animated sprites in this update are AMAZING! I just about died when he did the sparkle eyes. so cute c:

I really like how you completely reworked Tom's character, it all fits together really nicely. also im gonna say it again the lil animations when they eat are 10/10. cronch. 

 What a great update!

The UI with the time stamps on the map is SUCH a genius idea. I really dig it! Instead of saving, we're able to go back to those time stamps and alter our path. WOW! Also super cute sprites. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you go with this! :)