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A member registered May 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Can I ask how you got the object in the bathroom?

(1 edit)

Would love to play it but unfortunately every time I download it, it downloads as a folder with the game's title with an empty folder inside of it called ".itch". It doesn't install as a Winrar file/zip at all. Please let me know if there is a fix because I would really love to play it!

EDIT: I figured it out. I had no idea WinRAR files are incompatible with the itch app, so for anyone who is having the same issue, going to itchio's website and downloading it from there will work.

I've only played about half of the game (I think?) but I and my audience really have enjoyed it so far! The art is absolutely beautiful, and the music is very soothing. As someone with anxiety myself (though it's not as debilitating as Lucy's), this was incredibly relatable. Firky is a great friend. I will edit my comment or make a new one when I get to the end! 

Had fun playing this, even if I struggled with the platforming (but I struggle with all platforming). It definitely scared one of my friends/viewers, lol.