Oops sorry for the late reply~I don't usually check itch that often! I made a Get Started page here within the documentation on initial setup for Morpheus. It uses CMake and I have a python script within the buildtools folder that should generate a template project for you to start with. If you are using a certain C++ IDE that supports CMake like CLion, you should be able to import the project folder into your IDE.
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I'd be fine with adding MinGW(although it might take a while, due to MinGW's unique quirks) support alongside Visual Studio support. I don't want to entirely get rid of VS is because lots of Windows developers use VS, and I want to let them use Jetfuel on Visual Studio.
Doxygen generated Documentation is now up at http://jetfuelengine.infernostudios.net/html/.
I'm working on a game engine called Jetfuel Game Engine for this Jam. It can't really be shown in photos (at least not yet), but It'll be my first time making a game engine. I've been working on this for 6 months and I am finally going to finish it for this Jam. It has a 2d rendering backend built of SDL(and other SDL libraries, SDL_image,...), a control manager, a localization editor, support for Python embedding and extending, and sound support using SDL_mixer. I'm going to use this Jam to document, debug, and add a project helper tool to it.
I just started working on the source code for my game yesterday, and it's got a long way to go.
Thankfully, I decided to make my game have minimal graphics because I'm doing this alone and I'm much better than coding in C++ than I am designing character graphics.
Music:0%(I probably am just going to download free music or cook up something in garageband)
Graphics:?% (I create graphics when I need them or I just use shapes)
Then again, I expect my game to only be a concept of something bigger to come.