Bloody hell geting through those levels was a mind bender
Very original, great level design,
would like to have a "total moves" not just the current rebirth count
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That was utterly thrilling and suspense as hell
it's amazing how quickly I started yelling "no no no" at the screen, and how many times I did
I think it would be better if the enemy starts a bit more boxed in so I have a chance to position myself in the beginning, that way I feel it's a bit more my bad choices that screwed me rather then the level I got generated at the start
Maybe add 2 seconds during which the enemy wakes up, so I can et just enough of the lay of the land before I start running in utter terror
Otherwise I overly rely on the RNG to survive the beginning
I don't know if I made it to the last level
I somehow managed to get outside the intended area by jumping on an enemy in the dark, and clicked the wrong button to reset the level and quit the game instead :'(
(the level starts with a bunch of enemies on single step poles to the left, each pole has a light in the middle, failed it about 9 times before the accidental reset)
the game has really challenging platform segments in the dark and the music was great
would have liked a slightly more forgiving enemy hitbox when landing near their head rather then on it
loved the double use tourches puzzles to advance
Great game
Very polished for a game jam
The Z/X wasn't clear at the beginning, because I didn't understand I can only use an ability once
I love how your mechanics give a great and novel platform experience
We did a similar "one ____ at a time only" but opted for senses rather then special abilities
Your idea is much easier to expand and I using the enemy art for ability clarification is a really intuitive way to convey the ability's ... ability
Keep expanding on it :)
Here's ours
A robot with 1% power left
so he can see, hear or move, but only 1 of these at any given time
so do you want to know where the monsters are, or be able to avoid them?