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Interactive Fables

A member registered Jul 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hiya! OK, here are some hints in order of spoileriness! I've rot13'd them, so go to to decode!

1. Lbh arrq bar zber guvat gb znxr gur crg zrpu pbzr gb yvsr.

2. Bar bgure zrpu lbh'ir frra va gur Fnyintr yriryf vf jrnevat vg

3. Vg'f gur pbyyne nebhaq gur gubenk bs gur vawherq ovbzrpu va gur Pvephyne Cynmn va gur Fnyintr Yriryf

4. Lbh arrq gb trg vg fbzrubj.

5. Gel punfvat gur vawherq zrpu vagb n qrnq raq

6. Gura, jura lbh unir gur pbyyne naq lbh unir perngrq n ovbzrpu, fvzcyl chg pbyyne ba zrpu.

This weekend I'm going to write a Walthru for the whole game - I'll pop it onto the game's entry in the!

Good questions!!

Hints follow. I've rot13'd them (to decode :  - and given them in order of spoileriness: 

(1) Closed and Locked hatch

1. BX - lbh arrq fbzr bs gur onfvpf sebz gur svryqf - fbzr sver onfvp jbhyq or tbbq

2. Vs lbh trg fbzr sver onfvp, lbh pna chg vg ba gur uvatrf bs gur ungpu. Ohg lbh pna'g trg pybfr rabhtu

3. Lbh'yy arrq fbzr uryc.

4. Fbzr uryc va gur sbez bs n crg ovbzrpu.

5. Jura lbh'er perngvat vg, vg qbrf arrq gb or noyr gb pneel/znavchyngr guvatf.Vyyhzvangvat guvatf jbhyq nyfb or hfrshy.

6. Sver jbhyq nyfb uryc.

7. Vs lbh'er arkg gb gur sver onfvpf svryq, gura, tvir synfx gb zrpu, zrpu, trg sver onfvpf. Gura or dhvpx naq tb gb ungpu o4 vg pbbyf! zrpu, chg sver ba uvatrf

(2) Guarded Fence

Guvf vf whfg na rqtr bs znc erfcbafr. Lbh qba'g arrq gb tb cnfg guvf.

(3) Broken slate

1. Lbh'yy abgvpr gung va gur Npnqrzvn, gurer na byq Alpgrevq thneqvat gur Cbfbybtvn Sbehz

2. naq gurer'f n jvaqbj qverpgyl nobir vg va gur Rkrphgvir Tnyyrel.

3. Naq lbh unir n urnil fyngr.......

4. Qebc fyngr ba Alpgrevq

(4)  Blazar

1. Lbh qba'g arrq guvf gvyy yngre va gur tnzr.

2. Lbh jvyy svaq vg pbzrf va unaql bapr lbh ivfvg n cynpr lbh unira'g orra gb lrg

3. Ab zber fcbyvref! :)

(5) Septum Wand

Frr nafjref gb dhrfgvba guerr.

(6) Biomech

1. Gur ovbzrpu pna uryc lbh jvgu gur ungpu.

2. Rkcrevzrag n yvggyr, ohg sylvat naq gur novyvgl gb pneel guvatf jbhyq or tbbq!

Thank you! I will fix! 

OK, you're getting there!

Lbh arrq gb svaq freryyyn

Here are some hints in order of hintliness : 

1. Lbh'ir sbhaq Qniva naq uvf zbgure va gur cnex. Ohg unir lbh yvfgrarq gb gurz gb svaq bhg jung gurl'er gnyxvat nobhg?

2. Vs bayl gurer jnf n jnl bs bireurnevat gurve pbairefngvba!

3. Gurer'f n zrpu ybbxvat nsgre gur cnex gung frrzf gb or zbivat nobhg, tbvat sebz Neoberghz Fbhgu gb Neoberghz Abegu

4.  Creuncf vs lbh pbhyq uvqr vafvqr gur zrpu. Ohg lbh'yy unir gb or dhvpx!!

5. Bcra hc gur zrpu, trg va, pybfr gur zrpu ntnva naq jnvg.

6. Yvfgra pnershyyl gb jung gurl unir gb fnl. Lbh zvtug svaq bhg n hfrshy cnffjbeq.

Hi, Thank you for playing. The platform is rotating. When you are flying, you are in the center, there is no gravity, and it is rotating around you, hence the platforms are sometimes above or below you (or north or south), so you go up or down (or n or s ) to land on them.  Once you are on the platform, gravity takes over, and you can go down the ramp (whichever direction you've approached the ramp from). Taric Brill is on this level. He is in the long low rectangular structure opposite the mountains. On entering level 7, go east. The platform to the mountains might be above you, the other below, (or similar). In this case, go down. You are now on the platform to the rectangular structure. Go DOWN. Go  NORTH thru the closed door. You should find Taric.

Some clues! 

I've rot13'd them - go here to decode :

In order of clueliness : 

Lbh arrq gb cvpx hc lbhe fghss sebz Yningvahf.

Ur fubhyq tvir lbh n yrngure nceba.

Vg'f cerggl guvpx yrngure!

Chg nceba ba srapr