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A member registered Feb 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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A nice, short, sweet play! Although it is difficult to hash out that last date.

.. Very difficult to play, but worth it for the story nontheless.

Oh, ok. It never stated this during the time I played it (multiple years ago), so me and most other people at the time assumed something else.

I'd look forward to the story, but this version won't have the incest plotline, right? That was the thing that most bothered me about the original, with the MC being related to the love interests, no matter how distantly, and the siblings being flirty with one another. 

This was way more fun than it had any right to be. I like that the player characters gender isn't mentioned at all, too, making it more comfortable for all types of players. Sure, it's cheesy, but it... kind of  helped, in a way? It definitely did the education part.

I loved this one. I have part of the OST as one of my alarms, it's great. 10/10 would gaslight eldritch horrors again (Which I have.)