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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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Will it be submitted to Catalog?

I understand! I misunderstood, I thought that there was going to be a guarantee of at least one potential move.

I will then do my best to improve :) thank you!

The "balanced" game mode doesn't really feel balanced. Can barely reach 3000 points. Feels as if you can still block yourself from moves in that mode, there isn't a guarantee that you can continue.

I love the concept! BUT it's been challenging to enjoy such brief games. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong.

This can become one of the best gimmicks on pd IF the animation, music, and cranking can be properly synced. Unless I'm missing something, the animation is going faster than the music. I haven't found yet a sweet spot.


Just fyi, I did a game cleanup between the sideload page and my pd. After I deleted the uninstalled games and restarted it I could play what the crow! And I had the same issue with running Kimi which also got fixed!

Thank you for your patience!

Hi, I also get the 422 error when attempting to purchase.

hi Lumi

I don't know what the issue is. I reinstalled it several times, I even bought it again though itch and side loaded it.

It still crashes with no additional details.

Will wait and see if the next software update from playdate is might make a difference.

hi Lumi!

Sorry, but it doesn't give me that option. Only to press A and the link I shared.

Hi Lumi

On the error screen I got directed here:

I don't know how to access a more detailed error log.

Hi there!

The Catalog version of this game crashes my playdate every time I try to open it. I don't really want to go through itch for it.

Will there be a fix for this coming to Catalog?


The archive needs to end in to be side loaded. I changed that manually and the game works fine. Everyone please calm down, it is indeed a PD game.

There is a PDX in the archive... Chill

I'm a huge supporter for PD games and apps. 

This one however makes me want to encourage a reality check. The novelty of drawing on a small screen is arguably not a high-value experience. You still need access to a pc in order to make external use of the files, I presume. Even if one absolutely wants to have this possibility to draw on their PD, I would argue that the usability comfort is exceptionally sub-par. Probably an etch-a-sketch provides a more enjoyable UX.

Also, comparing the cost of the original software to this translation into Lua also doesn't sit well from an ethical pov.

Audience is smaller, the software environment is limited... This doesn't bring a comparable value to the original Mac software... It's also something difficult to quantify, so arguments can be made in every direction.

This being said, I applaud any PD development, because I love this tiny machine and Panic.

Obviously, this is just my opinion, a passionate PD user and not a developer, so take this as whatever it's worth.

Thank you thank you thank you!

Have been waiting for someone to make this for a while now!

Why... ?

I'm loving this one more than it's original influence, the smoothness makes it much more enjoyable. Good job!

After playing some more it's quite tough to reach high confidence in the guesses. I suppose that's why there are lives, to take chances. I enjoy it!

Wonderful game! Could we please have more indications on which numbers are possible on the cards? Can they be 1-9 or some other range? Just to know how many numbers to consider in the logic.