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A member registered Oct 22, 2023

Recent community posts

"Catalina should no longer be able to punch you to death over the phone or while you're in her belly." they are delightfu

I went through every bit of this game I could, it took my whole morning, but i am not mad, this game was very worth playing and I'd love to see it updated more!

this is a very nice game, but i think you'd need to make it a little less dense, 1GB is quite alot for how much is there right? either way, its a nice game

I tried this out, and i think it was very neat!! i enjoyed how the game felt, it wasn't too clunky, and the animation looked nice, i would love to see more

While i do think this is great!
but maybe you could add a bit more dialogue? it feels like it gets right to the meat of the game! but i could be nice if some characters had branching paths? but im excited to see where this goes...