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A member registered Nov 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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I never thought something like this can be made to a tabletop game! :)

And the subject relates to me a lot, as I studied these kind of processes.

It teaches me a lot, especially about game design.

Thanks a lot for making this!

Thank you very much for making this to-do lists gamification. It is actually easy to followup reading it, and makes tasks easy to followup too. I like how you solved the procrastination problem by simply changing the related tasks to Boss fights with progression! 

Combined with the BLUE rpg might make the experience awesome I think.

Thank you so much. This is a lot of help.

(6 edits)

Ok, I was able to make it out with 69G in 3 sessions of play; each one was about 30mn but the 1st was longer.

It was very intense in some levels!

This pastebin has the calculations of loot and combats on every floor:

For the character, I thought of him as a dual sword fighter, I got 13 in defense, and the 1st combat hits were subtracted from it, not from HP. Once it was down to 0, I started subtracting from HP. So, it was like armor or a shield, once heavily damaged, it was no longer usable.

I got 8 in Attack, but when I started combat encounters, I rolled D6 as direct damage! and was confused then how to use attack with D6! so, at some point, I decided to use my Attack as a Special Attack; which is being able to hit 3 goblins using my PC's Attack=8 as damage (not D6) as a very focused and skillful attack, and to have a limit to this special ability, I considered being able to use it Attack/2 times in the game.

I've considered D4 rolls as the number of rooms on each floor. I couldn't figure out how to use it for doors! :) and so, D2 wasn't used. I used D2 only in the 1st floor as combat and initiative resolution, because I forgot about D20! But switched to D20 in the 2nd floor. And, when my HP was dropping dangerously, and I had nothing to heal, I considered rolling D20 on each room in a floor to see if I found 1 Herbal Medicine in the room. 1 HerbMedicine=4HP

I used D4 too on each room to determine the cardinal direction on the map (1=east, 2=north, 3=west, 4=south), and D6 for number of goblins I found in the room.

Whenever I encounter a goblin, I roll D20 for initiative to see who goes 1st, then D6 if me/D4 if goblin to determine damage and D20 to see if I/Goblin hits.

As I said, in the 1st floor, I used D2 -instead of D20- as Initiative and hit in the same step; i.e. If I have initiative, my attack directly hits too when I got 1. I used it too to see if I get loot or not. That was quicker, but tried to go the other way in the next floors!

I used the Special Attack when I had a big number of goblins in a room.

When I finish fighting in a room, I roll D20 on each dead goblin to see if I find gold, then D6 to see how much, and D20 in the end to see if I found Medicine. Going this way, got me some weird cases, like in the 1st room in the 3rd floor, where I encountered 6 goblins but got just 1 gold as loot! :)

When I switched to rolling for initiative and then for hitting, the fights started to be intense and very satisfying too! So, when I reached the 2nd room in the 4th floor, my HP dropped to 1, and I encountered only 1 goblin there! I said then: "so this is the end?!", but dice was in my side, and found some medicine too.
In the next and last room (3rd room - 4th floor), I found 6 goblins, and said "oh no!" as I used my Special Attack 4 times already, but gave myself an exceptional 1 more as a bonus, because I fought very well until then! :D, so I finished 3 goblins in one special attack, and fortunately was able to defeat the 3 others without dying as my HP was 5 when reaching the room!

I found after some interesting tools we can use with your game, like PicoDungeon as it uses only D4, and 6x6-Tales can be used interestingly for outside adventures' maps as it uses the D6xD6 dimensions. It's in french, I don't know if there is an english version though.

I see more potential in the game, and it is very intuitive as we can easily pick it and start an adventure and make changes on the go, and with some tools like monster & trap lists and little preparation we can have epic adventures.

Btw, this was my first time ever running a TTRPG!

Things I figured out I did wrong maybe:

- Number of rooms in each floor should be bigger. 1 or 2 or even 4 rooms sounds unrealistic or insufficient. But, weirdly felt manageable! But I know now how to make the dungeons a bit better, and this roguelike generator seems just fitting your game perfectly.

- The last room shouldn't be only exit, as you suggested/hinted to. As in rogue-likes we can have stairs inside a room filled with life.

Thank you and sorry for making this long!

Thank you.

Glad to hear that! Yes, supplements will make a good match to the game.

I started a playthrough before your reply. I'm on 3rd floor now with 36 Gold. I considered my PC running through multiple levels in the dungeon.

I interpreted some parts differently, and I made little changes, to be able to make it out.

I will update my reply once I finish to inform you how it went.


(7 edits)

Hello :) Thank you so much for making this creative game. I liked it from the first sight! I like the art style; i.e. ASCII Art.

Correct me if I'm wrong please. So, each room size is D6 x D6? I played the video game "Knights of Pen and Paper" (btw it's free on Android phones) so I suppose the rooms are next to each other if we think we are inside a dungeon, and we can think that one of them is the entrance and the other one the exit room?

And the goblins' HP is always 4, right?

D6 Gold Loot is for each goblin? or all of them in the room?

I think of this game as the engine to play "KoP&P" actually on paper!

With some changes, we can make bosses and new enemies too.

You accomplished in exactly 24 words what others did in entire pages!

It has Character Generation, the System to play and Map Generation. What do we want more? Just start using your imagination! Anyone who have played any rogue-like game can pick it and start his adventure.


Congratulations for the latest release! :)

This is such a brilliant use of spreadsheets to make a character sheet that is easy to use and good looking too on desktop and phone too.

Thank you so much