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iphone eleventeen (real)

A member registered May 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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This took a lot of work but I finally did it! (ignore the cursor it was just there when I took the photo)

Just get a fuckin laptop. That's it.

And WHY are you telling us this?

Yes you can.

Almost fucking everyone uses the internet version. Why cant they just use the program version. Heck, why is that even an option?

If you want to make a review of this game you should at least get your fucking grammar right.

How is it The Stanley Parable?

Try running it at 640x480. It was really unplayable at full res, but when I put it on 640x480, it was lighting fast with no lag spikes or low fps at all! It really works, trust me!

But then the first level would be way too easy. Theres some challenge put into this game, you know.

You can change it in the new version of the game.

You can change it now.

Well Duh.

Try running it at 640x480.