I guess the evil blocks now corrupt the world 😅 Quite addictive, I've enjoyed this, the mechanic of maintaining the energy beam longer through decimating a wave of enemies is satisfying. Thanks for sharing
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I love the style, took a while to find where I could actually plant as initially I kept trying outside of the circle of the other plant. Might be a bug but the health of my character kept changing between 9 and 10 at the beginning of the round. I'm a bit with the other comments on the difficulty, I don't know if broadening the attack to a slight diagonal arc might help since it's pretty difficult to get enemies from odd angles. I also love the music. Thanks for sharing
Amazing vibe all around music is great, colors are vibrant and the art is really cool. The announcer voice is a nice touch, I think my only gripe is that I'd just wish the mechanic would encourage me more toward zipping through the lap. As it stand the best way I've found to get gold is to not boost at all and plow gingerly through the robot 😅.