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A member registered Feb 09, 2021

Recent community posts

Can't agree more. I take anything else over remove and almost never take healing. Max HP boost should be traded out for a 1 hp a turn regen or something.

(3 edits)

My thoughts:

I came into this expecting a discount Dicey Dungeons. I was totally wrong. The dice being the only thing you use is an original and great gimmick. 9/10, may rnjesus bless thy. No 10/10 because enemy spawns can screw you over a lot.

I would love to see more special types of dice, like a "true" crystal dice that was OP, but can only be used once. Ever. Or a cursed mirror dice that swapped the value, making 1 to 6, 2 to 4, ect. It would make "the poop" useful sometimes.

And dicey dungeons, lmao. Amazing game though.

very bad choice of words, for the title

t o x i c


8/10, take a vote, add a walk cycle after the jam.

I mean, it's basically a free week.

Good game! I may buy it!

n i c e

b r u h

what in the fuck


spin2win Image result for rowlet spinning gif

If you don't know who NoLegs is, go play some of the Epic Battle Fantasy games, some of the best flash games out there.

Flash game icon, would fit in perfectly with the game.

Another tip! Debug mode can be used to reduce lag! Just change the sprites to bf-pixel or senpai or something, and most weeks will run a bit smoother!