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Isa, Isa

A member registered Dec 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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this is normal! its the end of the demo, i didn't have enough time to do all i wanted so i left the note there.

he is the type of guy that will listen no matter the rant you go on, he will try his best to understand your point! (and then research about it himself so he can have more to say to you so you two talk more)

you can find the link on the main page! my user is isattt

don't worry, his cutieness is forever! even in stalking. thanks for playing!


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edit: oops you asked when, i didn't read it, but yeah i dunno

obrigado pela oferta! mas não se preocupe, a parte da programação é o menor dos meus problemas, renpy é uma engine bem simples e eu não preciso de muita coisa pra esse projeto pelomenos

hmm i will think about it, i never did anything for android so i think i'd have to change a bit about the ui, but it might be doable

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omg he is so cute, never heard about him, but i love men with glasses (also yeah chester does look like the chocolate version of him lol)

thank you for your review! i am not a native english speaker so mistakes were made... but i already fixed them (hopefully)

honestly its the first story i ever wrote in my life so i am pleased that i did an okay job!

also the height option was taken as inspirations from a game i really like called "our life" really recommend it!

eu faço eles sozinha! por isso pode acabar demorando ja q eu faço so no meu tempo livre. tbm ainda n aprendi a me organizar direito :p

prefiro traduzir quando tiver tudo pronto, já que o script pode sofrer alterações no decorrer q eu escrevo

i post the updates on tumblr, still working

wish i knew, but i am trying my best

you can send me a private message via any of my social medias so we can discuss it!



i already finished all the ui visuals, since the ones on the demo were just a placeholder, and i am currently redoing the backgrounds i rushed and adding a few i feel are needed to make it more immerse. also i remade the sprites and i have a lot of draft i need to edit...

chew your food!

do not eat the pink fluffy thing!!!

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hmmm it may be a good idea, i just would have to make a chapter selection to not make people replay a whole chapter, which with my current code it would be super easy to.
honestly i was just going to release it fully because i thought it could be a bit tiring for the players to release a visual novel in chapters
i will do a poll with the tumblr community for it

you are like the 8th person who tells me that, i am really curious about the edibility of my art

cuz he likes you! silly

someday, definitely

trying my best

both mac and windows version, but i can't bug test on mac nor linux, sadly

i will try, but i have a feeling the final game might be a bit heavy for web!

honestly my artstyle is pretty much just skipping lineart and then rendering over it! it's so nice not doing lineart, i sincerely really disliked it ever since i started drawing

i'm tryiiiing, i swear this game will make me grow white hair due to stress. but honestly it's pretty worth it, i want to make something i can be proud

thank you! i really wanted to give a more comfortable vibe! even if it is a pretty bad situation

i study, this is just a hobby


i hope so, to be honest! it's been kinda hard to keep making progress but steadily i have made a lot

maybe someday, but only after the pc version is finished, sadly


of course i will finish it, but i prefer to only work on one game at a time, and right now i am still trying to finish gentle fall!

you mean a gameplay? yeah, no problem!

No idea, actually! I am pretty busy all the time, but development is still being made! i had hopes to finish it this year, but i kinda like this project so i am taking my time to make it something i am proud of

aliexpress chester coming with the AI generated description smh

will deal with that, thanks for bringing it to my attention :)


valeu !! ^^