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Isi Cano

A member registered Jan 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Muchas gracias, amorazo.

Me alegro muchísimo 🥺💓

"Make money" and "Make new games" aren't compatible tasks lol. Thanks for sharing your list ♥

"See a whale" is an amazing task! ♥ Thanks for sharing your list! :)

Graaaaaaciasss ❤️

pero pero pero oo o o

Qué maravilla que se estén haciendo videojuegos así. Se nota el tremendo curro que hay detrás. ¡Espero que os vaya genial! 💜

Menuda preciosidad :_

Oleee. Gracias <3

El mejor feedback fue verte reírte en directo, sin duda.

A mí es que me sorprendió que aún haya gente que corrija en rojo. Con lo bonito que es aprender de los errores.

I am glad to read your comment. I really like the "taking a walk on the moon" task. Thanks for playing! ♥

Thank you! I really appreciate it. ♥

We just need endless pizza, please.

Thanks for playing and all the kind words! ♥

Thank you so much again! <3

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Thank you! I will try this fontedit deck :)

OMG! This is amazing! Thanksss!

I have another question. I also have problems with the language. I'm making the game in Spanish, my mother tongue, and I can't write accents or the letter "ñ". Is there any way I can change the language or keyboard settings in the Decker software?

Thank you so much!

Btw, I love your games! I used them to learn how to make animations with Decker <3

Hi everyone!

I have been testing Decker for a few weeks. It's awesome and I'm very happy with the results.

In my new project I want to create a game about making your own bucket list, with labels and stickers. So I'm trying to program something like the magnetic poetry example, but instead of words, with drawings and canvases.

The player should be able to draw something in the canvas and when he clicks on the "sticker" button, his drawing will appear as a draggable canvas. How can I do this? What should I write in the script? Is it possible? I have only managed to create empty canvases when you press the button, without the drawing.

Thank you very much!

Graciaaassss :_____

Gracias 💖

Gracias por plasmar esa sensación tan bien. Te quiero, Katia. 💓

Es muy bonito, además parece un DLC de Lagartijas y Piedritas. Me ha gustado mucho y ahora te conocemos un poquito mejor (y las personas que tenemos una idea similar sobre la amistad y los cuidados nos sentimos arropadas). Gracias, como siempre, por compartir tus reflexiones con nosotres. <3

La rosa me da muchísima vergüenza jajaja

Mil gracias, Laia, eres amorrrr ✨

Yo llorar lloré un domingo miércoles por la tarde.

(1 edit)

Miiil gracias 

Bonito tú ✨

Gracias 💓

Muchísimas graciassss :___)


Gracias ✨

Gracias por saber expresar esta sensación de frustración. Te quiero.

Referentes 💓



Thanks! John Cage was the best <3

Thanks! 💓

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OH! Thank you so much, Jupiter! I'm a huge fan of your videos 💜

xDD! Thanks! 💕 I think that everybody is waiting to see what happen when the cactus is dead 🤔