or can you make a new game
i lobe this game
make i mean
can you ,ake chapter 4
can you reset proggres
pls telll lots of people that when its my birthday aka july 12 ask them if they can got to this website and say happy birhday in my replys lets so how many and also 2 days left!
3 days left!!!!!
not yet in 5 days but thanks for the early happy birthday (:
i hope we can be friends
its soon my birthday
im sorry
shut the fock up now! and go touch grass
shut up
make easy mode now!
yeah and pls fix the damage its alot i always get one health by on attack
great game heres 5 reasons of a great game 1: the art style its noice
2: the bosses are hard and fun 3: achievements they are hard to get but fun!
4: modes noel is fast but meele flare is slow when sliding but has ranged attacks
5: the story its confusing but fun