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A member registered Jan 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I suspect you meant to put ‘Right-Click’ before “Click on Extract All Files” as double-clicking an executable file simply launches the program.

You might also want to change Step 1 if you are expecting people to download your game from this page!

I’m afraid that nstalling the RTP isn’t optional if, like me, one only has the Steam version of RPG Maker XP installed, since the Steam version doesn’t place the needed files where the RGSS player expects to find them.

Maybe you meant to specify different instructions, because on my Windows 10 machine I still needed to install the Final Fantasy font provided in a zip file…

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Just played through the entire game. For such a short game it was pretty fun. Definitely think you could build on this and make something a bit more complex. Nice example of a reasonably scoped LD game!

I did think that some additional graphics would have been improved the experience a little. For example, sneaking a few people in there, like Tim and the Receptionist, and the option to look at the spectators at the end.

Also, I think this could probably be converted to Lua/Love2D pretty easily.

typo => bInputHandeled ?

This seems like a pretty neat feature, especially since I can see it allowing people more flexibility in pricing (i.e. not being locked in to the same low or high price all the time). But I'm sure it will never fire up most people like 'getting more for LESS' will.

If you don't already you might try to have the site make it a little bit more visible when this is enabled (at least as an encouraged choice on the seller's part). As is the minus in -100% isn't much and still strikes as discount. It would seem more honest as a different color (magenta vs cyan -- vaguely reminiscent of red/green, but not quite so charged with meaning) and possibly '+100%'. Buying something for more intentionally is all well and good, but at a first glance I think some people would be annoyed to find a game in a 'sale' list and then realize post-purchae that the price was actually increased.

Tangentially when it's a simple doubling ($1 -> $2) at most and the resulting price is around $8-10, I doubt most people would care, but slapping $5 more on top of $25 would be offputting when many other games are actually on sale.


I found this article via someone using this feature for Black Friday this year.

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I can't really call it fun so far,  although I generally like platformers.

It' s really irritating to have to play avoidance  and perfect strike with continously moving enemies that do lazy contact damage and yet you must hit perfectly to damage; the latter being difficult to do when damage has a control lockout effect. And the character movement is a bit slippery, makes it hard to be precise and super easy to bump a top edge and drown while trying to jump.

Not bad, kinda fun even.

This would definitely benefit from some additional features. For example: more picture (given the game name, could just be more scenes/poses/etc with your OC), the option to use smaller pieces (make it's a bit more work to figure out), some kind of score table (so you can try to improve, and maybe the added fun of real puzzle pieces with different edges.

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Perhaps there are some people who don't  want javascript apps running on their computer instead of say a native C++ application or would prefer software that isn't running on an interpreter. Also not everyone wants to run a whole instance of the Chromium browser with every application... They'll just have to handle their game downloads themselves I guess. I'm not really sold on javascript for desktop applications, but here I'll take an application over none

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Nothing in the description that really specifically says DF or Rimworld to me, despite having tried the former once or twice and having played a fair bit of the latter. bit of Rimworld. Seems a bit of shame that they didn't bother to mention DF-9 at all, given there a number of features/mechanics stated that sound very much like it.  You know like space junk/meteorites causing damage, passing ships docking to drop off new crew/allow pirates to break in, minable resources that you have to send people out to get.

 Personally I don't think DF-9 needs remaking, The only problem other than maybe bad pathing that I recall was not much of a drive to keep playing past a basic base that was sort of stable.

MewnBase community · Created a new topic Typo(s)

There's a typo in one of the wounded states' text, 'Slighty Wounded' -> 'Slightly Wounded'.

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MP would be pretty sweet, although a sort of P2P approach might be best (i.e. you can only be in one 'world' at a time, so more than one person can be at a someone else's base, but there's no way to travel to anyone's else's base without leaving your 'world' -- no separatae ) where one player is effectively the server and any other players are clients. Best example I can think is the way Minecraft lets you share the world you are currently playing in SP with other players, while you have the game open (everyone gets dropped if you quit /your/ game).

I wouldn't think it'd be that hard since you just  need to show each  player their own personal status and maybe an abbreviated set of bars/dots? for each additional player in your 'world'. Of course you also need to transmit the world data so they can render it and make sure they see the same air leak notifications etc. That stuff does add up pretty quick...

Just my two cents, but it might be easier to add now as opposed to later when their are even more features and systems to test for working in MP. Either way I look forward to seeing where the game goes.

As much as I hate having to rush around looking for ice to water plants, I have to say a thirst bar/scale does seem like something obvious that ought to be there. Especially given that water units are bottles.

MewnBase community · Created a new topic Water Sources
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Is there a better, reliable way to get water than searching for ice? I know about he water collector, but a few games it didn't rain much at all. Dying of starvation seems to be a much, much greater risk than asphyxiation (no O2). Pretty fun game so far, but endless mode gets pretty blah when it's just praying for food and wiping off the solar panels.

Some additional means to obtain water would be great given how dependent growing stuff is on the water supply. One possibility might be a condenser module that pulls water out of the air. I.e. a continuous, but fairly slow source of water. Being electric powered wouldn't be terrible since power seems to be pretty easy to get.


Exploration vs Survival vs Base building dynamic balance?