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A member registered Apr 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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Sounds like great additions! Would like to get all that in. Yes, a Hi-bit/16-bit gear/equipment/item pack is underway!

Noted! I'll see what I can do

Glad you like 'em! <3

Cheers Seliel! Appreciate it :)

Oooh, this looks awesome! Great work!

Thanks! <3

Glad you like 'em! Merry Christmas! :)

Appreciate it! :)

I'd be more into expanding on this one to be honest, it's meant to be a complete roster so lemme know what you'd like to see added next.


Hey, that's great! Very happy to hear it and best of luck with the game! :)

Hi Tony! Ah yea I see what you mean - I removed the eyes and tongue in the latest update. No worries, I've added them back so the old design is there as an alternate now. Just download v06 again and you'll have them.

Hey! It's a way's off still, but I might be able to sort something. I'll send you an email and we'll see if we can work something out.

thanks! I did check it out and I did like it! :)

Glad to hear it! There's a second monster pack well underway, I've made 18 or so sprites so far - I may want to add some idle anims and attack/hurt frames to that one though, so there's still some work left to do on it.

Sounds reasonable! I've added a few equipment sprites now, more geared toward thief/wizard now, as well as some other items. I'll try to find the time to make some animated / epic ones later on as well.

I'll likely release a higher resolution item pack at some point. I'm not opposed to expanding this one though - if there's any specific type of items people would like to see they can request in the comments.

Hey, sure that sounds doable! You can email details to

Thanks! Yea I plan to add some indoor cave tileset to complement this

Animated water, for sure! Snow terrain I would say is an easy add so that seems likely.

I proably should expand in that way, so that might be the next things to add - I'll definitely look into making some interiors.

Oh, thanks so much! I really appreciate the kind words!

Ah, I'll get that fixed. Thanks for the heads up!

The best of vibes! Sweet, happy to hear that!

Thanks! Appreciate it!

Appreciate it! :)

Thanks! Glad you like it!

Thanks! I'd love to make something like that as it's a niche I really like - not sure there'd be enough general interest for something like that though.

Hey, Thanks! Ruins are in the works in the next update 

Hey! Nice! Very happy to hear that! 

Glad you like it! Humm yea maybe it's time :)

Thank you!

Thanks Cap!

Thanks a bunch! Glad you like 'em!

Hey Juumixx! Glad you like 'em. Yes, they share the same base when it comes to the tiles, tinyFantasy has a bit more variety with more treetypes and mountaintypes as well as a tileable waterfall. But the biggest difference is in the included sprites - with Tiny RTS you get unit sprites (wider set of animations) and buildings more geared towards an RTS and with TinyFantasy you get main character sprites instead as well as buildings more geared towards an RPG, like castles, towns, villages etc. But either set could be used for anything of course. Both are still updated, I don't think I'll package both together at any point, but I bundle my packs up at a discount quite often if you still feel that you have use for both.

Thanks a lot! Glad you like it!

Hej! Inte säker, har ingen vidare koll på rpg maker - men om det stöder 8x8px tiles så borde det inte vara några problem.

Go for it! 

No you totally can. That line really isn't applicable here, it just refers to merchandising.