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A member registered May 18, 2019

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The story so far is AMAZING. I've literally played it nonstop for the past four days because I can't get enough. The artwork is also amazing and very interesting because you have the character sprites and then you have the artworks in the gallery which looks amazing as well. I'm kind of sad I did put this game off for a very long time, but I'm glad I got into it.

Please also don't leave the game unfinished. I'll be heartbroken because it seems like lots of games from a few years ago aren't getting updated anymore or on long periods of hatsu and I've too invested in the story. This is one of the only games so far that I have found that is getting current updates that has lasted over the years.

Keep up the amazing game and don't forget to take a break every now and then

Ive just finished Bryan's route and GOD it was SO GOOD! Keep up the amazing VN and remember to take a break every now and then! Dont push yourself too much! (as push past my limits of sleep requirement... eh heh... anything for an amazing story and VN)

Nooo... 17 more days. I was so excited that I miss read the update TT. Ooh well, can't wait for the part 1 update!

This VN is very well developed. First of all, I love the music made by both producers. I'm sorry for your loss but I'm sure you've heard that plenty so excuse me for that. The plot is amazing, and I love it so far. I'm sad that I didn't play this earlier when it first came out, but I'm glad I got to time to play it now. 

Can't wait for the next update and take time for yourself every now and then. Don't stress over too much!

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It's a magnificent chapter you guys made! You made it a bit of funny with the jokes and the chapter in all is just amazing. I love what you made us think in the beginning of the chapter... damn you... but very well done.  The art work and music are beautiful as always (I'd kill to see that night sky again or just have it as a real world experience. I'm never going to stop thinking about the beautiful night sky too). I also like how much effort you put in to make new constellations and their meanings behind them. They're very beautiful to look at like I was really there. Just that scene makes so many connections with the title and I love it so much.  The ending is just ugh, in a nice way. The way the voice discouragers Caelan but the next sentence is that he doesn't mind being in the world he is living now is a nice and bubbly way to end it.

Remember to take your time with your next updates and take breaks often!

No... I need more info. Damn you and leaving us at a cliffhanger wanted me to read more. Although very impressed about the big, well not so big for me, plot twist and am very curious of how the team will lead from this point on. The plot thickens.

Make sure you and the team takes rest every once in a while! The update was amazing!

Not gonna lie, Benjie kinda hot without his jacket on. 

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I have a few predictions on what happened in the new update but I'm not going to say it because it might spoil it for others. I'd wish they Welkin had the guts to do the thing he needs to do, but no. I mean, I would act the same confessing to a crush too so. Ugh! It's so painful seeing Welkin walking around without confessing.

I love this update too! I hope you are having a wonderful time and taking breaks every now and then!

Ooh yeah. Is the new picture of Welkin and Angus a CG in the game because I'm dying for the CG. They look so cute together

Man, people be pushing for updates must be real hard simps for Tano, Ranok, or Vulgor, especially Ranok because he just came back and the last update ended there. You can't push people to do everything and anything so just chill and do something else instead of DM-ing the creator for updates.

Why do have a feeling that only some people would look at this? I feel like the usual person would only look for an update to the game and not check out any news...

Ooh well, it the fun in a VN to find all route 😀

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well, I did say I don't know how to get C route. No one should follow what I said for C route since I no idea of getting it at all. Someone just told me how to get it but I'm not even sure thats the correct way or even the info is correct.

Spoilers below for Shoichi's route below because I'm confused a little on routes. 

Route A is supposedly the good route where Yuu feels comfortable in his relationship with the husky, Sho sees his mom (and get the CG), and stays in the volleyball team.

Route B is where Yuu doesn't feel comfortable in his relationship, Sho doesn't see his mom, and stays in the volleyball team

Route C (which i don't know how to get but I have a guess where Yuu tells Sho to see his mom but then says don't go see your mom, and plus some other stuff I don't know to do after) is where Yuu feels uncomfortable, you don't get the CG, and he leaves the team. Do you even go on the date in this route or naw?

Correct me if I'm wrong please so I can wrap this around my brain

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So far, I've only played a little of it but there are two things I like about this more than a usual VN, a music room and an encyclopedia.  I also really like the art work. Larvi doesn't have an encyclopedia image even though he's got a model but oh well. Just pointing it out. Really like the game so far!

When I see the new update, you bet Ima download it and go through it. Its one in the morning for me and im tired as fuck but i wanted to get through this first before I sleep. Is it me or did this update feel longer? I really like these long updates but dont overwork yourself and take some time off! I also really loving the story so far and will be waiting for the next one!

Ooh well, its fine then. Keep up the good work!

Very promising game! I love the story so far and the characters! The story was a bit funny IMOP which is a great start. Although, I wish the buttons were bigger on Android. I'll be looking forwards for the next amazing update!

He's so cute! I wanna pet him!


I'll have it ready when the next few updates come out... promise me, it will be big

There's more story than we can see to Cealan, and so the plot thickens! This update was really heartwarming too.

I swear to god, if the moon god Aluna didn't do anything and everything was just a coincidence, I'ma fuck the moon... not litterally but you know what I mean

For those who are new, there's obviously spoliers.

I can see why it took a bit longer to post the update. There's many more pieces of art like parts of the village, Characters models/new characters, new reaction artwork for main characters and side characters, and like 2 or 3 new CG (if that's what they're called... I dunno). My heart is slowly getting torn apart of how much Ranok is denying his love for Caelan (name MC gets from Ranok) which also thickens the plot too. 

All in all, the update was amazing and there's no need to publish on a specific date. Take your time with the updates and time for yourself, no need to rush things on time. I hope you are well and safe!

Why did you have to end right there.... It was getting so good and sad but you're leaving me on a cliffhanger. I'm super sad now because of the MC being super sad in the new update.

First off, I love the game. I really like the story of Nerus and where its going. I was kind of confused but its still developing its main story so I'm sure my questions will be answered along the lines through the game.

Second off, spoilers to those new, HOW COULD YOU! You killed Shax after they where just getting together! Although, I like how you started it off like most stories; somewhere in the middle or near end of the story  to bring up question that will get answer along the way as the story progresses. I also like the ending of the prolouge. Proposed a VERY big question that I'm excited to see how Shax isn't what other people think he is.

The  sound was amazing, but, if you where going for a creepy vibe near the end of the prolouge *spoliers* where Shax is dying, maybe combine the music with the static or make the static get progressive louder as he's dying? Could help with a creepy vibe, if you where trying to build one. I'm not a sound expert or what not so you don't have to follow what I said. Either way, its fine if you left it because of the images you had made the creepiness go higher than I expected.

Besides that, its amazing game. I'm glad you made an android version because I currently don't own my own computer yet. 

I love where you're going with the story! I love the new sprites, the new characters, the music ( *Spoilers* I ABSOLUTELY love the music when you and Ranok where having breakfast . I could listen to that song and sleep to it or even have it as background music for studying), the art, and the CG's! I wish you added a gallery of all the CG'a but it's your choice. Its fine with or without it. Don't feel pressured to add it if people complain to you

I hope you take your time for your next update. I dont want you to be stressed over this

That helped a lot! Although a couple of files didn't want to work for me, but i got most of the music. Thanks a lot!

Its probably not every song but I guess it's close enough. Thanks!

I want to know where the music comes from now... Im replaying the game after some time (forgetting mostly everything) and the music is so addicting (in my opinion). The music goes so well with the mood of the parts of the day. Some are calming, others are sad, and a lot if them are catchy. I also love Shoichi and Jun's route (but I'm on day eighteenth Jun's and I'll get to Keisuke once I finish Jun's). 

I love the work! Don't rush yourself with anything