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A member registered Aug 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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I enjoyed the game! But there's some flaws that were hindering a smooth gameplay. The doors kept closing when I tried to open, dialogue between characters took for ever to pop up and Q was used to answer text messages but it took for ever as well even after smashing the Q key. Im assuming for others id probably throw them off. But other than that I took it as a comedic approach and just had fun with your game. :)

Nice loop game! Felt very claustrophobic lol Just noticed you're 15! You're on your way!!! Don't give up! Last game 💚

Nice short game! Jump scare got me! I would have left when the door was opening lol Second game 💚

The simplicity of the game made it very creepy and unique! Fantastic tension and jump scare ! First video 💚

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I enjoyed your game! The jump scare destroyed me unfortunately lol The ambience was nice, it became a bit repetitive picking mushroom and setting traps but I didn't mind as much. I did catch a few bugs, One was leaving an area and falling off the map basically and the other was the game did restart a few times. Would be nice to have a checklist as well! But loved the game! The dancing uh... yeah was hilarious lol nice job!

It just made me hungry lol Enjoyed the game! and finding all the endings! The guy running towards me really freaked me out lol ALSO the name... loved it. 

I kept closing the game lol Enjoyed the atmosphere! I don't like to be chased in games but he was a bit slow lol Overall nice game niven! Last game <3

Bro throw those parents away.... lol nice game! spooky atmosphere. Second game <3

I was confused at first but things got really interesting. Im excited to know there's gonna be more! First game <3

Idk what he wanted but didn't bring any fries with him. :( Hilarious game! nice job.

Last game <3

Snowy cabin was nice! The jump scare was cheap but I LOVED IT lol it got me. <3 Second game.

I couldn't outrun the killer for the life of me lol Fun game! Id say a different mechanic and faster dialogue would be nice but Enjoyed it! Life lesson! Don't be a bully! First game <3

Very well executed game! great atmosphere and jump scares! I couldn't help but laugh at the chase scene. seemed like a dance off lol But great game! excited for future games :)

I had a different idea on the ending but this was better. Its a little different from the other games, The aliens were tanky af lol but had a lot of fun playing ^_^

Enjoyed the game! It was creepy but funny ^_^

So silly lol Enjoyed it a lot! Didn't think I'd witness the rapture that way definitely felt left behind lol nice game ^_^

Always enjoyed your games! Loved it! But it left me with a lot of questions. So im very curious if there's more lol The werewolf jump scare really got me ugh! 

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I did not expect the game to be this omg lol The dog was an absolute menace but it was hilarious to keep up with her!

Last game in the video <3

Happy to help solve a murder lol Very fun game!

Second game in video <3

Absolutely loved the art style! Im curious to see more! Also those things really beat me up lol what were they?

First game in video <3

Loved the concept! I did wish there were clues through out the map. I honestly thought everyone was a mimic lol

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uh idk if anyone would react the same with losing a kidney but we are here lol Enjoyed it and made me dive into some creepy pasta ^_^

What a twist! Your games are a wild ride each time lol Had too much fun with the knife hehehe

Short but a goodie! It was very goofy but had a spooky environment! Don't recommend anyone to watch a random vhs tape.

You created a very creepy atmosphere! Absolute nightmare. Im excited for other parts!

Im excited for the rest of the game! So much potential. 

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I was waiting for this one to drop! Good jump scares! There was a lot of questionable decisions in this game but I understand in the heat of the moment we can make weird decisions. Being in that situation must be really terrifying. Poor kate :( Enjoyed the game ^_^

Spooky atmosphere! Any chance you're inspired by "The fourth kind" and "The Mothman Prophecies" movies? lol Another great game! I did get stuck in the photos! I kept clicking and it wouldn't go to the next one. Until it did and ended up skipping a photo >_< Also the head bob had me laughing lol

Main Character did not have the best survival instincts lol But enjoyed the game :) [Last Game]

WOAH! I can't even imagine this game in VR! You created something very unique ^_^ [First Game]

What a gem! I didn't expect it to be so hilarious lol The farts in the transition were awful ugh lol 

90s horror plus halloween! loved it! Would be cool to see different stories with this theme ^_^

You captured my anxiety very well lol I didn't expect to be fighting my way through it. Well done! 

Hola! Absolutely loved the message behind the game. Mutant dog was scary but would do it all over again to save my best friend.

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Loved the game! made me question myself lol poor sarah tho! I see the game having many episodes :)

I was wondering the reason behind him seeing things, very sad ending. Its a good short game tho :) [Last game]

Poor Ethan :( Loved the atmosphere 

[Second Game]

I found all the endings just by me being stuck on a pole and looking at a wall lol Nice jump scares! [First game]


I was pleased by this game! Spooky environment and cuteness :) Expected a jump scare in the maze, I was waiting for someone to follow me lol 

I had too much fun playing this game! Not sure if id try the burgers tho. Also! One little critique would be maybe changing the font color at the end, found it a bit difficult to read with the white room. :)