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A member registered Aug 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the watch!  Much appreciated!

I played your game on my channel, and boy did I spend most of the runtime scared to move!

Overall, very cool little game.  The concept was interesting, the execution was good, the atmosphere was thick and the sound design was excellent.  Had a lot of fun with SIREN'S WHARF.  Keep making more games!

I played your game on my channel and I really liked it!  As you can tell for the majority of the game, I'm basically scared to descend the entire time.

At the time I played it, I was initially disappointed it how things turned out at the end (no spoilers), but in retrospect, I still think what you delivered was a pretty scary little experience worthy of praise, that succeeds on its own merits instead of what I initially expected it to be.  Good job.  Please keep making more.

I played this on my channel and had a great time.  Cool premise, and *ahem* THAT MOMENT (no spoilers) scared the hell out of me.  My only qualm was that I got lost a lot, but that was likely my fault.  Good job.  Really enjoyed it.

This game...scared the hell out of me.  My love of both MAJORA'S MASK and BEN DROWNED careened into this pit of terror at 1000 mph and I'm still recovering.  Fantastic job.  I need to play the original one too.  Can't say enough good things about this game.  Keep making more. 

Man, did this game do a great job replicating the maybe-not-so-irrational fear and paranoia of walking through your own house in the dark.  It was a fun and scary little experience.  Good job, all around. 

Around 18:01:

Man, I really dug this game.  The setting was great, the color pallet was really nice, the score and the sound design were fantastic.  It got me more than once with its scares.  I'm still not sure what was going on and I'm kind of okay with that!  The mystery adds to the depth.  Let me know if I missed something, though, in case I need to go back through and uncover more of its secrets.  Cool little experience, all around.

Played your game!  It scared the bejeebus out of me!  I'll never take my garbage out again!  Seriously, though, the chase sequence was pretty scary.  Good job.

Around the 4:17 mark:

Not gonna lie, this game got me more than once.  And despite my ribbing it a lot, I had a lot of fun.  Keep making games!

...and here is Part Two of my play-through.

Again, had a lot of fun with this game.  Part of me wishes it had been longer, but I like that it's a truncated, abbreviated time in a world on its way out.  That seemed fitting.  I also liked not knowing what the #$%@ was going on most of the time, and just getting enraptured in that.   Good time all around.

Don't let the video fool you.  I fell a lot, I ranted a lot, but I actually had a lot of fun with this game.  I loved the idea that I was walking the remnants of a world just on the cusp of doomsday.  Not horror in the traditional sense, but the strange mix of serenity and dread had a profound effect on me.  Really enjoyed it overall.

Here's Part One of my two-part play-through. 

Had a good time with this one.  Creepy in a lot of good ways, a good kind of perplexing.  Just wish there'd been more, but that's a good problem for a game to have.  Keep making games, please.

Now, had I known that going in (and that's probably on me, and no one else), I might have adjusted my expectations a little.  In retrospect, then, the pace nails it.  And again, I say all of this in respect, not as some dirtbag armchair critic, I genuinely love and support stuff like this, so please, keep doing what you're doing.  

I liked your game, but it became a bit tedious.  I loved the themes and the ideas, but I feel like the execution could've used some tweaking.

This is said in respect, not strictly in criticism.  Again, I liked it, I just felt it got a little tedious and could've used some tweaks.  I mean no disrespect.  Please keep making games.

I really freaking enjoyed your game.  I loved what you were able to do with Atari-level imagery and audio design, just...fantastic.  

Please keep making games, I would love to see more.

I freaking loved this game.  I loved the atmosphere, I loved the world-building, I loved that I was scared the whole time and I was still having fun.  I personally can't wait for the full game.  It can't come out soon enough.

I had fun with your game.  I liked the commentary you snuck in there.  I'm still not sure of its effectiveness, per se, but I feel you got a conversation going and that's what's important.

My only real qualm with the game is that it was sometimes not clear where I needed to go, even though the goals you set up were easy enough to remember.  Other than that, though, it was a good time.  Keep making games!

You got me.

You got me TWICE.