Hey there! Yeah I would love to, send me your discord or email me from my website!
Recent community posts
Hello! I am voice over artist offering my services for free for this jam. My range is generally a mature/deeper voice though feel free to listen to my demo on my website, my voice assets on Itch.io or over at CCC to hear samples of my recent auditions to see if my voice would work for your project.
Contacts over on Discord or my website. (Mention the Winter VN Jam when inquiring!)
I just released my first voice pack for visual novels and RPGs that is free to use. Currently include 45 recordings that will be expanded upon over time with user inputs through the google form that is on the page. These voice clips can be used in both noncommercial and commercial projects with attributions. If the voice line you need isn't included you can put in a request and I will try to keep it updated with as many voice lines as I can. Preview the sample on soundcloud or see the project at the link below!