Some UIs don't show.
A crash log when clicking the button after completing the daily challenge:
. Starting log.
. Writing to log.txt
. Initializing SUGAR v0.0.6.
. Running on Windows.
. Using SDL 2.28.2
. Using LuaJIT 2.1.1692716794
. Using Lua 5.1.4
. Running from: D:\Desktop\0\231003\hexle_windows\
. Created new memory chunk '_sugar_'.
. FreeType library was initialized.
. Using FreeType 2.12.1
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x01F4 bytes to fit new 'default_font' req.
. Correctly requested 'default_font' 0x01F3 bytes at 0x01 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. The 95 glyphs font 'default' was created.
. GFX system initialized.
. Time system initialized.
. Input system initialized.
. Successfully opened audio device
. Could not get device name.
. Driver: wasapi
. Frequency: 44100
. Format: 0x8010
. Channels: 2
. Samples: 2048
. Audio system initialized.
. All systems initialized.
. Found 'main' chunk.
. Found 'gfx8.png' chunk.
. Found 'utility.lua' chunk.
. Found '../../libs/gifkey.lua' chunk.
. Found '../../libs/remy_systems.lua' chunk.
. Found '../../libs/autosnaps.lua' chunk.
. Found 'time.lua' chunk.
. Found 'font.png' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/confirm.wav' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/deny.wav' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/hover_in.wav' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/hover_out.wav' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/complete.wav' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/note_in.wav' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/error.wav' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/note_out.wav' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/select.wav' chunk.
. Found 'sfx/close.wav' chunk.
. Successfully loaded data.sgr.
. Deleted font 'default'.
. Correctly requested 'default_font' 0x01F3 bytes at 0x01 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. The 95 glyphs font 'default' was created.
. Running...
. Defined 0 buttons for player 0.
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x41F4 bytes to fit new '8_srf' req.
. Correctly requested '8_srf' 0x4000 bytes at 0x01F4 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 128 x 128 surface '8'.
. Correctly loaded 'gfx8.png' into '8' surface.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x43C0 bytes to fit new 'main_font' req.
. Correctly requested 'main_font' 0x01CC bytes at 0x41F4 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. The 85 glyphs font 'main' was loaded from font.png
. Relocating chunk '_sugar_' for resizing.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0xFA00 bytes to fit new 'Hexle_screen_srf' req.
. Correctly requested 'Hexle_screen_srf' 0xB640 bytes at 0x43C0 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created new window 'Hexle'.
. Resized '_sugar_' to 0x010300 bytes to fit new '__boot_sheet___srf' req.
. Correctly requested '__boot_sheet___srf' 0x0900 bytes at 0xFA00 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 96 x 24 surface '__boot_sheet__'.
. Deleted surface '__boot_sheet__'.
. Correctly requested '__boot_sheet___srf' 0x0900 bytes at 0xFA00 in chunk '_sugar_'.
. Created the 96 x 24 surface '__boot_sheet__'.
. Deleted surface '__boot_sheet__'.
. Defined 7 buttons for player 0.
. Loaded sfx 'confirm' from file 'sfx/confirm.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'deny' from file 'sfx/deny.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'select' from file 'sfx/select.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'hover_out' from file 'sfx/hover_out.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'complete' from file 'sfx/complete.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'error' from file 'sfx/error.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'note_out' from file 'sfx/note_out.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'close' from file 'sfx/close.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'hover_in' from file 'sfx/hover_in.wav'
. Loaded sfx 'note_in' from file 'sfx/note_in.wav'
. done generating board!
. done generating board!
. done generating board!
. done generating board!
. Duplicating log to crash_log_000.txt
. Quitting required.
ERR [string "..."]:1203: attempt to compare table with number
Stack traceback:
[string "..."]:123: in function <[string "..."]:109>
[string "..."]:1263: in function 'gridgen'
[string "..."]:1203: in function '_genholes'
. main loop exit
. Initiating shutdown.
. Deleting window 'Hexle'.
. Deleted surface '8'.
. Deleted font 'main'.
. Deleted font 'default'.
. GFX system shut down.
. Input system shut down.
. Audio system shut down.
. Deleted memory chunk '_sugar_'.
. Application ran for 2594.398000 seconds.
. All systems shut down.
. Ending Log.