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Wow, a powerful message that I didn't really expect. The controls were nice, but at times the camera felt a bit too slow as though it was slowing me down slightly. All the sound and art were very good, and made it pretty clear that something was wrong. I especially liked how the music somewhat stopped when I got to the dark section.

Super impressive game, I got an error partway through that froze it (playing on browser). I found it funny and entertaining, and a great idea, but it did feel a bit annoying with the level of randomness, or not going first in the boxing and not being able to do anything but get punched. Super impressive though, wow!

Incredible game, I really enjoyed it. I found that some of the controls felt a bit awkward to try and press (especially control to dash). But the art and sound were all really good, and it was super impressive what you were able to make in just a week. I loved all the NPCs and their silly voices.

Fun game. The movement didn't feel the best at first but I got used to it. The opening cutscene is very good and but could have done with a bit more art during the platforming inside the cave. The sound design is great and adds a lot to the atmosphere, but maybe some visual water droplet effect or stalactites to add to the sound would tie it all in really nicely. I like the player and fox's animations too. Although I fell too many times and wasn't able to beat it. Good job overall!

Really fun and interesting game, the art and sound are all nice and added well to the atmosphere. Great puzzles and mechanics with a good difficulty. Thoroughly enjoyed. I hope you add more and continue working on it.

A lot of fun, I found that I was getting a lot of health potions that I didn't want. Maybe a pause menu and an upgrade that increases your coin collection radius would be cool? Overall, a really good and well designed game, I liked the hand's silly 'walking' animation. Great job.