Thank you once again Spencer. With your help, I was able to finish my quick test with Superpowers. Awesome!
However, I exported the project, and opening the index.html shows a "Could not load plugin list" error. A quick google search showed that it should run if uploaded to a server, so I did. Unfortunately I get the same results. This is the link.
Any reason why that could be happening? Thanks in advance, you've been of great help and I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to my questions :)
Recent community posts
Inside my PlayerBehavior class I have:
class PlayerBehavior extends Sup.Behavior {
public playerCol =;
speed = 0.3;
jumpSpeed = 0.45;
public health = 100;
From inside EnemyBehavior, I want to check colission with just the player and lower his health.
For this I have:
if(Sup.ArcadePhysics2D.collides(, Sup.getActor("Player").getBehavior(PlayerBehavior).playerCol))
However, the screen goes dark when I try this. What am I doing wrong?
Kind regards.
Hi there,
I have a Class called PlayerBehavior, and another class called EnemyBehavior.
Inside PlayerBehavior, I have a method called LowerHealth().
How do I call LowerHealth from within EvemyBehavior? I want to make a simple code where if the enemy jumps, the player loses some health.
Thanks in advance!!
Hello! I just discovered superpowers!!! The possibilities are endless!
So, as a test, I just made a quick export of the default game. The one with the caveman. Double clicking on the generated HTML, I get an error: "COULD NOT LOAD PLUGIN LIST".
A quick google search showed that it would work on a web server, so I uploaded it to one, but I keep getting the same error. How can I fix it guys? This is the link.
I'm a total newbie, just downloaded the app, and I'm already asking for help haha.
Thanks a lot in advance!!