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A member registered Apr 15, 2023

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Mia will obviously be part of the mc's harem at some point in the story, she and the other girls have relationship points. I recommend leaving Jake alive, surely it is the best option for a future romance with her. Besides, it will be beautiful to see how we make NTR to the idiot Jake. 

Surely Weirdworld is waiting for the right moment to give a proper development to both mia and its route. 

Weirdworld will probably make her a romance option in the future, even though we've had very little of her, she seems like a very good character to me.





I recommend keeping Jake alive for 2 simple reasons.

1-If you make Mia regain her memory while Jake is dead, she will freak out and run away scared from you. This will surely be a bad thing in the future when the option to have a romance with her becomes available. 

2-To just make Jake suffer. In the game it's made very clear that Jake has a huuuuge crush on Mia. To the point of literally mind controlling hundreds of innocent people who had nothing to do with it and ordering them to kill the MC, just so that there's a slim chance of saving her, and all this just because he didn't have the guts to go against ella. So obviously seeing the girl he likes go out and do romantic or sexual things with the guy who kicked his ass is really going to hurt him emotionally >:D

When you find ella in her apartment, you don't have to fight with her. It's just that simple :v

Here's an idea for the big boss in charge of this amazing game. 

I'm going to be honest, I love this game, I love the characters and their development. I love the spicy scenes, I love everything about it, except for one simple thing. The fucking grind. Looking for the places with the monsters that give you the most EXP so you can level up is not fun at all. I hate that kind of stuff. I usually use external programs to modify my savegames to avoid that kind of stuff. So why am I complaining about this? Easy my computer is a potato. So I decided to play the Android version. And obviously I can't modify the Android savegames (for the simple fact that I can't find them basically, they literally seem to not be on the phone) 

So I thought I'd suggest this cheat not only for myself, but also for all the people who hate farming EXP like me. And it's basically a cheat that will raise your level and stats to the maximum level allowed.

It should be noted that this is a suggestion, not a demand. If the big boss decides he doesn't want this in the game, then I'll throw myself on the floor and assume the fetal position and start crying because I know I'm going to have to farm like a dargonia slave 馃珷

Well, have a nice day and thanks for reading 馃グ 

Esperemos que as铆 sea en un futuro

Since I first played the game, I've always used the same name. And that's the name of Prototype. because of the obvious coincidences it has with the game of the same name. Plus it serves both sides. whether if you're a good guy, or a bad guy.

I hope Ashley becomes part of the protagonist's harem at some point.

Sorry for not answering sooner. Those types of files, whether translations or mods/walkthroughs. You have to put them in the folder called [game] if it asks you to replace any file, it's fine. Hope it helps.

In f95zone you can find a multi mod, just search. f95zone multi mod and you will find it

I know what happened, the event where you help Brad to dicide is future is only activated after the mission (final battle) in the walkthrough PDF of the game that indication should come but it isn't, but anyway. Thanks for answering.

I already had relations with Brad in his girl form (the scene is bonus scene 1) I am already married to Trey and I did the threesome scene with Ryen Trey and Brad.  I already did the race and got the treasure.  And I already did the tsiom ryen and Brad scene.  (and Brad and ash are in a relationship) I guess I have to do the final battle for the dialogue to appear.

Well. what the title says, I'm trying to get the last scene of the female version of Brad. And the walkthrough says I have to go to the main room in the castle but nothing appears there, and when I talk to Brad he doesn't say anything. Do I have to wait until after the final battle? Or do I have to do something specific?

The scene in question is where Brad (girl version), his girlfriend (ash) and Ryen are. The scene in question appears in ash scenes list

Well, I'll keep it short and sweet. I downloaded the Android version because my computer is a potato and I wanted to enjoy the game. The thing is that I want to modify the stats/money/etc and other things. But I can't find the save files, does anyone know where they are?

Does anyone know the code to put a specific day in the command console? I want to repeat Saturday so I can do all the routes.

As the title says, is there Netori in the game? I'm just curious, I mean there's rape, slavery and that kind of stuff. it would not be surprising if the protagonist blackmails a woman to have sex on more than one occasi贸n. To get her pregnant and in the end she prefers the protagonist to her current partner 

Clarification For those who only know the netarare

Netorare [The protagonist or a love interest of the protagonist enters a physical relationship with a third party and comes to prefer them over time, so they cheat on them or break up the original partner. If the protagonist is the one who seduces, he uses "Netori" instead] 

Netori [The protagonist forces a love interest who is already in a relationship with a third party to maintain a physical relationship, and the love interest comes to like him over time, so he cheats on him or breaks up with his original partner.] 

Netorase [Here the couple is really willing and willing to make the other have relationships with other people.  It is the equivalent of Cuckolding.] 

Actually, those are mods that the community makes. As far as I know, Weirdworld only develops the game for PC.

No te preocupes, no suele tardar m谩s de 2 meses en sacar una actualizaci贸n. Y hasta donde se est谩 actualizacion va a ser m谩s de chill qu茅 las anteriores. 

Hey, do you know what is the variable to increase the government opinion?






Having a perfect score against deryl means you can save Laurie, because if you made the wrong decisions she will die instead of brain damage

Thank you, now for sure I can have different options and scenes

You need a program called UnRen, since the command console is not enabled usually [the program can be found in f95zone] after you have the program you extract them to the Game folder, then start it, put the number 3 and that's it. Then when you are playing press shitf+O and the command console will open, here what you can increase. [power=/skill=/money=]

Does anyone know what is the code that has to be entered in the command console to increase the corruption points? I tried corruption=100, but nothing happened.

can you please give me a spoiler? Apparently, if I want to know all the lore of the game, I have to get the endings where the protagonist dies, and being someone who already knows what choices to make in order not to die, this is difficult for me.

Does anyone know what reward Weirdworld is referring to if we get a perfect score against deryl?

When the game gives you the option of what you want your hero name to be, I always choose the name prototype, in obvious reference to the game since the powers of Alex Mercer and the Protagonist are similar (although the mc is more powerful) and I love how the name suits the Protagonist 

I suppose that at some point he will update that, since Weirdworld updated the image gallery, he could calmly give an update of his own to m铆a, Maybe Weirdworld wants to give her own update so that her and the mc's relationship develops properly, since I personally think this wonderful game is really far from over

I really hope so, it could even have a dedicated update all to itself. One where we will have to decide to be with her or help Jake to be together (only if the player decides that he lived of course) something like the ntr liz route or his white knight route

This update took longer than usual because there are more fights than in past updates, according to the creator the next update will be more chill, since it took a long time with this update

Hey Weirdworld Quick question, will mia be part of the protagonist's harem at some point?

Hey, does anyone know how to get the first fuck scene with Ella?  I don't mean the one that uses her tentacles I mean the scene where she rides you and uses her own pussy, Because of all the times I've played I've never gotten that scene.

Quick question, is there still a 32-bit version? It's just to know if I have to start downloading it on Android from now on

getting the base game costs money, getting the extended version costs money, getting the full version costs money, if it was free it would be understandable, but nooo, someone decided to be a fucking greedy for the game crap it sells, at least do people a favor and put the game free you fucking scammer

Can someone tell me what are the options that increase my corruption points?