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A member registered 92 days ago

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Rescued all.

Moves: 30. (Wow!)

Searches: 8. (7 would be the bare minimum: finding the 3 friends then -- no spoiler! -- doing what you need to do to find Dot.)

Attacked: 0.

I doubt I'm going to get any better than that. It really helps to not have to deal with things like finding fairies or searching the attic openings.

Just got my best for moves 

Moves: 34

Searches: 9

Attacked: 0

Moves: 36

Searches: 7

Attacked: 0

Rescued all.

It actually took me a while to realize that I could start pushing buttons as soon as I started finding friends. D'oh!

Probably. The old LCD games were only limited by cost. A game like this probably would've been expensive.

Optimizing moves can be a pain since it's all random. Between the monsta showing up at doors and stairs, finding the buttons and fairies, keys, and/or hidden switches, etc., it can sometimes take dozens of moves. I think my worst was in the 120s.

Got 36 moves just now. I wonder what the absolute minimum could be. It all depends on where everything is placed and if the monsta shows up in a stairway or door you need to use.

My best so far!

Moves: 40

Searched: 9

Attacked: 0

Found a tiny error. Needed to find two candleholders for a secret switch, but when I found them, one wasn't showing because it was "blocked" by a cabinet. It was a bit confusing.

(2 edits)

Oh, wow. I just noticed the shackles on the wall in the lab. (I wonder if they appear in the bedroom... Edit: yep, they do. Eep!)

Your clue made it too obvious. ;)

I always feel like / Somebody's watching me

Each attempt is different. Sometimes you get codes and/or secret stairways and sometimes you don't.

Hint: friends often help each other in odd ways. ;)

I got it! I'm not going to give it away, but I'll give you a hint: friends work together in odd ways. ;)

I'm trying to figure that out, too. But I'm going to keep playing until I figure it out with no spoilers. Part of the fun!

(1 edit)

That's actually deliberate to complete the side of the box. It's how LCD displays work. If the box wasn't depicted, the little line you see would be part of the line showing the edge of the floor. It also can be turned off if there's an object depicted that doesn't use that line.