This looks interesting, it’d be nice if you offered more detail of what is included. Possibly more screenshots. I’ve been burned by too many crummy AI created pieces of crap lately, so I no longer go into anything blindly.
I do have a question regarding followers and companions, I see we get followers at the Board Quest, where do we find companions? When playing solo it seems you can’t afford to start with followers and will have to quest some first, I’d this correct?
I got this printed, a character created and am continuing reading the book. I’m really impressed so far! This is very well laid out and well written, the art is nice too. I can’t wait to play!
I’m really loving this game! Is there any plans for a bartering or monetary system in the future? I also noticed the tags for this game don’t pop up on Solo RPG physical games, if possible you may want to change that so everyone gets a chance to find this gem.
I really like this! I’m finding it pretty easy to beat, but not with a high score.I’ve made it to Veteran once but will continue to work toward Legend!