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A member registered Aug 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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A (mundane, real-world) hiker’s reference guide would be very helpful for the travel rules. I don’t know how bad blisters are or how to treat them, but finding info is more useful than making rules about it. References for terrain would also be useful.

It looks like Exile was used in place of Life as well. 

I will probably use this alignment system, though probably assign the Road and Life alignments to the range 11-14. I’d drop 15 from this range because if you rank all questions as 3 then you have a clear preference. It also may make the middle alignment rarer, which feels right.

The alignment questionnaire is neat and the alignments themselves are evocative. Possible typo: it seems like Road and Exile are used interchangeably. I prefer Road, as it feels less prescriptive.

A great product! I can't wait to use it with the additional rules for The City Game and The Wilderness Game discussed on the blog. I'm also excited to see The Tapestry as an influence. It's one of my favorite series and one that I've never seen talked about.