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jad kheirallah

A member registered Apr 16, 2017

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I'm on PC.

I searched and there's no such file,which exact folder is it in?

There was no such file,I searched every where in Autonauts_Data.

How can I send it?

Here,I've uploaded a picture using Imgur.

(1 edit)

Well I launched the game and almost everything was a bunch of purple.

I did try to upload a picture but it wouldn't work.

I meant which alpha did you test the bug on?


I'm pretty sure you're using alpha 5,this is simple to fix just do this:

Download alpha 4,run it,throw out your ingots,pick them up,all good.

(Don't worry alpha 4&5 have the same content but 5 has a few bug fixes)

Which alpha did you try?

Oh,then they're pretty useful,thank you.

Yes,I've unlocked the Mining Rods.

I can't wait for more stuff.

Thank you for putting all the time into a game everyone can enjoy for free.

Hi,so I've reached a point where I stopped unlocking things and now I'm kinda wondering,what is there left to do after unlocking generators?

Actually I've also wondered,what is the use of generators?(If it has been made yet.)

I'd  be thankful if someone could tell me what's left.


this has already been reported but i feel like i should explain it more (some people might have explained it perfectly before)

this only started happening when all my inventory slots were used

ANY action that freed a slot (eating an item i only had 1 of/forging max i can/throwing an entire stack) made the game crash which makes it impossible to basically do anything

(i'm not sure if this had been fixed in alpha 5)

hi i know the game was taken down but if you would ever want to translate the game to arabic i the future i would be more than happy to help

by the way do you have any idea when you can get the game running again im interested to see what you will make it to since you have to change it now

i found out something cool some how with a camp fire you can make your wooden sword burn stuff every time you attack :O i wish i could record this i don't know how i got that to happen

okay so if you equip the sword and go to the place where the hammer is if you keep attacking while moving the block to get the hammer the hammer disappears as if you picked it up but it doesn't appear in your inventory (don't ask me how i found that out :P)

wow played for 27 minutes and its amazing great job can't wait for the next updates by the way is there a place to report bugs because i found one :v