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A member registered May 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really cute and nostalgic little game!
I enjoyed figuring out the puzzles you have set up in this small world :)

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The Legend of Skull Kid is a really nostalgic and charming puzzle in the style of the original GameBoy Games. In fact you need a GameBoy Emulator if you want to play this game when you download it. I would recommend doing so as it gave my whole experience with this little game a good nostagic vibe (and there seems to be a bit of input lag with the web version for me).

Getting into the game was kinda rough tho. The safe option doesnt seem to work properly and I had trouble understanding some things initially. So making one mistake was really punishing as I had to start whole over if I died once.

Still I was intrigued by the puzzles you have set up in this tiny world and I have to say I really enjoyed them after all! It was quite fun to figure out how to achieve all 3 rings in the overworld. You used minimal graphics and hints to guide the player to the solution. It was hard at first but just enough information for me to being able to figure out the solutions after some time :)

The second floor/cave (great use of optional theme) didnt feel to hard to finish (which is good in my opinion). I think the skull puzzle of the dungeon was the only puzzle I was a bit disappointed of when I figured it out^^

Great job all in all, it's my favorite entry of the contest and you can be really proud of this little game you made in just a few days!

After some bug fixxing and maybe a few other minor tweeks when it comes to feedback from the game you get as a player while playing, this would be even better :)

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Thank you for your kind feedback! 

An Update for different screen solution support should be easy to do :)

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Elemental Confusion confused me while playing it.

And that is because I just dont know what I have at hands here...
Only one link on the page leading to a completely different website which seems to be a game engine anyone can use?

I played the game, found the diamond and every creature you can find in the game (I think) and bought everything in the store.
The gameplay wasnt bad, I enjoyed finding all the creatures and the artstyle in general.
Still I dont know how to rate this and so I didnt do it yet.
What did you actually do for the GameJam here and what assets where already there and given from the website to start with?
The NPC who said somthing like "this is an example level, change it and make it your own" didnt help that unsure feeling I got when playing your game.

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Fall Inverted is a challenging puzzle platformer with good and fun put together levels.
My personal experience with the game was kinda mixed.

To start things of, I think you did a great job on designing the levels. Apart from one or two passages, I felt like there was a good variety of puzzles to solve, and with puzzles I mean how to get forward in the level by jumping, dashing, and switching between normal and inverted mode at the right time.

Here comes my first point of critism: I often was confused by the different input methos. Using mouse, shift and the jump button for the different actions felt kinda off to me and was hard to pick up. I often knew how to get further in the level but felt like it was too hard for me to translate that to the correct input. Me and my flatmate both struggled with this and then decided to map the input buttons to our XBox controller and after figuring out a controller figuration which worked for us, playing the game felt way better and smooth in general! :)

Next I personally felt really stressed by the wall and couldnt really enjoy the leveldesign and gameplay generally as I was always scared by the fast wall. I had no time to figure out the puzzles and was frustrated quickly (too hard for me^^). I then figured out you have options for turning of the wall and the levelscroll (thank god - that really made me dizzy and it didnt help me at all as it is waaaaay to fast). After turning of the wall things changed kinda quickly. I then really enjoyed figuring out a way to get to to the next checkpoint as I finally had time to get used to the controls as well as actually look around in the level. Heres my suggestion for your game. Disable the wall on default and make it an additional hard mode instead. I finished your game, but only without the wall and it felt a bit bad to be honest. If without wall was the "normal" mode, I would have felt great instead. Let the hardcore gamers play hardmode - I beat the game already anway. Now I feel like a noob as I was too bad to win with the wall (which currently is the "normal" mode) :D

Lastly it would have been great to get a bit more feedback as a player. Most importantly some kind of represantation of the dashcooldown would have helped a lot. In the current build I often wasnt sure if I pressed the right key when I wanted to dash (increased my control input confusion) and made me press another key instead as I didnt know the das is on cooldown and my input did "nothing". The feedback could be a color fade of the player sprites or anything else that works. Also the feedback message when your stuck on the wall was kinda annoying, another feedback solution would be appreciated for the wall-stuck-problem (first I didnt even understand why I cant switch world).

You made great use of the assets and I really liked the style of the game! Only the player character could have been something more fitting in my opinion - maybe a cute squirrel running around the forest would be cool, there then could also be pickups in the form of acorns and more :)

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Acorn Landing is a cute game with a charming theme (falling acorns in fall)!
The Main Character looks lovely and made me and my flatmate want to try out the game immediatly.
Our experience with the game can be summarized like this:

At first the game felt really nonforgiving and kinda frustrating to play.
The timer kind of stressed us out as we tried to get better scores by finishing the level quicker.
In our opinion, the timer you put in the game is kinda counter-intuitive and works against the desired gameplay. After playing more rounds we noticed that the secret to reaching a high total score in the game is finishing lots of levels in a row. And the easiest way to do that is by taking it slow, like super slow. The downwards button should never be used, only if you really need to go straight down at a finish line. Adding on to that it felt really bad to get a lower score on long and difficult levels compared to short and easy ones. It would feel way better being rewarded with a higher score for beating a hard level compared to how the score-system currently seems to work like. Our suggestion is to completely remove the timer (removing stress) and giving each level a predefined score so you can get scores according to level difficulty. Adding onto that you could add some pickups in the levels themselfes so players have the possibilty to get better scores if they are up for the highscore hunt :)

Apart from that, the controls could be slightly improved. We didnt like to use our mouse everytime we failed in a level (add spacebar or enter keyboard mapping) and the levelscroll at the start of a level should be skippable (it was really annoying after a few rounds in and broke the flow of the game as we had to wait so long to continue playing).

The artstyle is very cute and shows a lot potential. I think if you had a bit more time to put some effort into levelart as well this would be even better! :)