I think the sex battles are too simple, too easy. Press 4 buttons over and over again, cum, rinse repeat til the enemy is satisfied. No cost, no losses, except maybe -4 hp from the starting encounter
As well as the fact that these sex battles are unrealistic. A goblin penis might slip in pretty easy dry, albeit a little painful. A giants penis is gonna need buckets of lube for that cock anywhere. (Thats a lot of damage)
Adding a mechanic where you have to continually stock up on lube, cause your sorry ass is gonna need it, would fit perfectly into the game already. You already take damage from the giant anyways, make it do more/less if its dry/lubed. The slime gives you mysterious goo, theirs dry anal with the brigand.
Maybe the mysterious go could make dicks like the giants or other crazy cocks not do damage
Maybe do damage with no lube for anybody, cock size corresponds with amount of damage