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A member registered Dec 26, 2020

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I cant run it on Mac

Shiron should be apart of the dateable characters!!! T_T

alright thanks, any word on an eta

(1 edit)

Is dallans route out on patreon? I wanna get it but I dont want to get it if there is no new content tbh.  Also is there a projected date if not out yet?

Anyone know when axel or do route will open?

This is the perfect reference...

question, will we only be able to date oswald or will we get choices? Because after this update I really like Benji...

wait what do you mean not stop here??? Is he taking a break?

Since it said there will be NSFW art in the future im just wondering will it be man/woman or man/man or route? im about to play the game so  just thought i would ask

do you know who got updated

who got updated??? and why am I just now seeing that it got updated :(

Hey just wondering is this non-linear and possibly nsfw in future?

hey could someone tell me when mark or coach update might be planned for, no rush they are just my favorites :p

is this a linear or non-linear vn? I wanna know before I play can someone plz tell me

I’m having issues downloading it could u help me? If u can just look at my comment below this

Can someone help me out for apple download? Whenever I try to download it, it just takes be to a white screen then sends me to the thanks for downloading screen but never downloads (I’m new to vn’s and started to do them on my computer but it just broke :/

Can someone help me out for apple download? Whenever I try to download it, it just takes be to a white screen then sends me to the thanks for downloading screen but never downloads (I’m new to vn’s and started to do them on my computer but it just broke :/

This update was so good! You never fail at making my emotions connect to the story, keep up the great work can't wait for the next update!

7th day for mark and his backstory

I love the updates but i hope that we get a rask update soon

does anyone know the pin on marks phone? I just want to see the message then go back to safe route...

ya i got it there is a new menu and a mark story line 

although i do have to restart the game because new computer so i wont be able to tell if i actually got the update or not for as while.

I think its just normal download because on my browse page it says he added 2 new downloads so im assuming that its that. idk tho

Ok thanks for the answer, also what would be the best route for silas and orion? im guessing silas is mage

right now lmao

YES its here THANK YOU!!!

ok thank you

ok thanks for responding, also sorry for bothering again but does the path affect the route affect the story in a strong way? Because i selected mage im pretty sure and i want to end up in a route with silas so would that effect it in any way?

When is the next update? I understand if you dont have an exact date tho

Anyone have an idea on the when the next update is???


I cant wait for a day 2 with silas or orian

can anyone tell me what the better choice is in the long run, admit that vul attacked you or make up a story to cover for vul.

does anyone know when the rask update will come?

Hey can someone help me everytime i get to the part he says ahh my bike after the forest thing it goes back to menu and i cant get past it or load any routes what do i do?

Can someone tell me the best choices for best outcome with rikiya?

Does anyone know when the next update will be?

thank you!

Hello, can someone tell me how to get/do the A and C path for shoichi?