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A member registered Dec 10, 2018

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So its CC0 license or CC-BY?

Are we allowed to create or own track with these melodies (and credit you) and use it in our commercial game? I would like to add pads and make it more ambience.

Thanks a lot. Bought. Will you plan on adding grimoire skill tree or another weapon? Please.




Nice, I would pay for idle, walk, run, hurt, die, etc.

Please add “.” key to skip dialogue. I can do some lines for Spanish version voice if you want. In Spanish, Booty Island is “Isla Booty” not “Isla Botín” which is the literal translation.

Interesting, but 16x16 and 24x24 too, please?


(1 edit)

Usable in commercial games? (if bought)

License? Usable in commercial games?


License? Usable in commercial games?

What's the license?

AI generated. Hard pass.

Good work!

Great art. Please continue with the volume two :)

Yes, please. Tell us. It's usable in commercial games?

wtf bro, not a scam site by any means.

Claro, sí. Restricciones C64 entonces. 320x200 i paleta C64, ok? Una imagen de Phantomas.

Hago algo de pixelart, sí. ¡Pues me encantaría colaborar, claro! ¿Qué resolución quieres? ¿Qué restricciones de color? ¿Quieres hablar por mail o Discord? Gracias.

Gracias, excelente!

Buen trabajo, ¿se puede portear a PC? Estaría interesado en mejorar el pixel art de los gráficos para añadir más colores, ¿te interesa? Un saludo.

Thank you a lot man. I hope things get better. Courage. Thanks for your good hard work.

Oh, sorry, one more thing, a textbox where you could write the name of the map at top could be useful when you have a lot of wads installed. It would be nice for the player to give 0 to 5 stars to each mod and to categorize some of them as "favorites" appearing at top or in a special category. Mark some wad as "completed", etc, for instance "completed Winter's Fury on 2016 for the first time", completed again on 2022, etc..

Thanks man. Good job!

Hi there, VERY GOOD WORK! Amazing stuff. I have some suggestions. It looks very tiny in my 4k resolution. Plus, I would like to be able to uninstall a map that I don't like from the interface, plus I would like to filter installed versus non installed maps. It's very annoying that the scrollbox goes up every time when you install something.

Good job! I would like to buy this but it's a lot of money in one big pack. May I suggest breaking it down individually or in packs of 4 or 5 monsters? It would be much better. I would be interested in buying that, plus animations for idle/hurt/attack1/attack2 and death for selected monsters, of course increasing the price for doing that.

Hello Cyangmou, good job! I bought this and used your icons in our latest screenshot for the game:

Thanks :) I keep working on it and I feel that I'm improving as you can see in the latest posts I'm learning a lot, and I'll redo some of the older attempts, the more critisized ones. It is a great exercise and I hope to showcase them in video gameplay 2 when we release it :) (although they palette-clash a bit with the rest of the game, maybe I should repalette them).

Thank you very much sir. Good job. I will probably back you on the 5$ tier soon.

This is usable in commercial games (modifying the assets)? It's CC BY? If I back you on Patreon 5$ month will all the assets released on that tier usable in commercial games without paying any more royalties than the patreon?

Hi, thank you! Good job! Is this usable in commercial projects? Could you please add a .txt with the names of the different icons? I'm not sure on the name of some gems or ingots. Thanks in advance.

Hi, I'm upscaling and detailing the deck, see the details here:

Thanks for your work :)

Good job! Sorry my ignorance, but what is that .monkey2 extension in the source code? With what do you compile that? And what are the terms of use of the source code? Could I use for instance for a project but changing the graphics by others completely new? (new characters, new story, new puzzles, etc...?) Can be used commercially or just personal use?

Hi Caz! We are making a haunted-manor/halloween game and seen your halloween icons. When you say "These icons are available for use in non-commercial and paid projects, " do you mean I can use it in commercial projects? Here it is our game: The item size in the game is currently 24x24 so I should downscale 32x32 a bit (I can do that and show you the results before posting anywhere). Please if you want to answer mail me at which is my most active account.

Your other assets are lovely as well and would like to use them/downscale them  if allowed in commercial projects.

Check out the first gameplay video of the game:

Hi Caz! We are making a haunted-manor/halloween game and seen your halloween icons. When you say "These icons are available for use in non-commercial and paid projects, " do you mean I can use it in commercial projects? Here it is our game: The item size in the game is currently 24x24 so I should downscale 32x32 a bit (I can do that and show you the results before posting anywhere). Please if you want to answer mail me at which is my most active account.

Your other assets are lovely as well and would like to use them/downscale them  if allowed in commercial projects.

Check out the first gameplay video of the game: