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A member registered Jan 03, 2024

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i think i have one but check the automatic saves first maybe there is a auto save that is 100% ore close to it

at least 10 but i dunno

(3 edits)

 Can't insert the Picture for some reason

(1 edit)

hello its me again i may have found a glitch for Infinit Dept you can do it when you talk to Tomoe about the Halloween thing after you alr done it once wile she will talk to you about it but the Mission dosent start and you just loose Coins

P.S im German and don't use a Translator 

level Akene's Affection

i tried hat that probleme to but i tried it the next day and it worked

so maybe trie after a longer timeperiode

when i played this game for the first time i thougt id be playing this game for like half an hour or maby an Hour now 20h of gameplay later and i just finnishd all the missions the game is compleadly differend from what i thought it woud be and its not only horny things the way that (Spoiler alert) Rayoko said her story with her Family was realy heartbreaking and i nearly cryed a little. This is one of the best games i have eaver played and i can't wait for an newer version eaven if it means ill have to play the howl game again

this is an 5 out of 5 star game for me good Job

also don't look into the gramma to much im german and im trying to not use an Translator

(1 edit)

Like the game , the Gameplay is wered but not bad (Also this is the only porngame i found with multible Youtube-gameblay vids) . 

Also don't be so hard on my Grammar im German and im Trying tho wriete with out an translator