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A member registered 59 days ago · View creator page →

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its quite good just a bit too oil at some points but its not bad its aesthetically pleasing to the eye but a bit too much oil

oi maybe upload your game 

feedback form

some trees are floating

oi you, yeah you. Maybe don't say blacks and say blocks ya dog not that hard aint it? yeah maybe write normally next time. honestly mate u need to settle down with this like bro maybe type better and not let the devious thoughts get to your brain and start being racist on accident like brutha this aint it fam. like that is bad bro like that's absolutely racist bro like the fact that your brain automatically thinks of black people when u mistype is just not it bro like this has to change. DO BETTER

best game ive ever played i really like how halam is real cool and stuff type shi

wasd to move 

space bar to jump 

ctrl to crouch 

lshift to sprint 

now get that down ya dog its not rocket science