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A member registered Dec 16, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)


You can run the simulation multiple times by calling system.Simulate(delta); and manually override / temporarily store the friction variable system.frict before that.

The reason the rope with more points appears longer is because every point is affected by gravity, which is dragging the rope down and streching it. You can increase the "stiffness" in the rope's constructor to counteract that. :)

Unfortunately I don't have any time atm to create tutorials beyond the function documentation and the implementation provided :c Sounds like a complicated setup. What you could do is create a rope and attach both ends to connectors. One connector is then also attached to your player instance and the other one to your hook instance (which you'd control with your own physics probably). Retracting a rope is not a build in functionality. A couple of months ago, someone else asked a similar question about a fishing line, where I explained how you'd implement something like that in theory. That does require some understanding of programming though :/ Hope that helps you a bit!

If it works, it works :D There is still some functionality one could add like the delete function you've added, or interaction between different ropes/softbodies. However, I won't be able to work on this project for a longer time again now so feel free to add what you need :)

That being said, I plan to upload the project to github the next couple of days, so if you want you could also contribute there.

Glad you like it :) I never used packages but I've added the file now. Hope it works :D

Oh no D: Yeah the previous version was two years old and very messy. Back then I made this asset for one of my game projects but decided to also upload it here. Now I gave it a bit more love and added better documentation and stuff..

(4 edits)

(Seems like I can't upload screenshots for some reason.. :c)

Problem 1:

The verlet system works by having a list of vertices and a list of sticks. Every update, we iterate through the list of vertices from the start, forcing the sticks to their original length. Since we're starting at the first vertex, its position will always be correct, but the rope will drag away from the last point as a result. One way to solve that might be to rewrite how we iterate through the list every update. So update the first vertex, then the last, then the second, second from last, etc. until we reach the center. I'm not sure if this will result in other unwanted behaviour though.

I'd manipulate this for loop and see what happens:

verletFunctions line 299:
for (var i = 0; i < stickAmount; i++) {
    currentStick = stickList[| i]; 

A simple and dirty "fix" would be to rewrite the draw function and draw another line from the last vertex to the point where it is supposed to be attached. It won't be perfect but it will look like it's attached.

verletFunctions line 497:
draw_vertex(currentStick.v2.x + lengthdir_x(wHalf, stickDir - 90), currentStick.v2.y + lengthdir_y(wHalf, stickDir - 90));
draw_vertex(currentStick.v2.x + lengthdir_x(wHalf, stickDir + 90), currentStick.v2.y + lengthdir_y(wHalf, stickDir + 90));
// Draw another line here

Problem 2:

When the verlet system updates, the "stiffness" is simply the amount of times we do the update. The more updates per frame, the more correct the simulation will be, but the more performace we draw.

verletFunctions line 294:
repeat (stiffness) {
    #region Update sticks
    #region Update vertices

A stiffness value below 1 would therefore result in errors.

Problem 3:

That will be a difficult one.. I didn't think of a use case like this.

The sticks already have an individual length value. To retract the rope, you probably want to create some function that retracts the rope by one pixel. It would decrease the length of the first stick by 1 as long as the stick's length is greater than 1. A length of 0 would probably create errors. Otherwise delete the first stick and the first vertex, then continue with the next stick until the rope is gone.

New function for the rope group:
function retractRopeByOnePixel() {
    if (<amount of vertices> > 2 AND <amount of sticks> > 1) {
        var currentStick = <first stick>
        if (currentStick.length > 1) {
            currentStick.length --;
        } else {
            <delete first stick>
            <delete first vertex>
    } else {
        return false;
    return true;

Something like that maybe. You'll need to figure out where to get the amount of ropes/sticks and where to delete them. Call the function until it returns false, then delete the rope.

Hope I could help :)

Whatever works :D Glad you found a workaround!

Thank you! I think I added an option to change the 'stiffness' of the verlet system so it doesn't stretch so much. You should be able to manipulate it either in the rope function or the function which sets up the verlet system. But do note that increasing the stiffness draws a lot of performance, as this basically multiplies how many times per frame the whole physics simulation gets updated.

Thank you :) The verlet system is drawn using the VerletSystem() struct's Draw() function. The depth would be equal to the object which calls the Draw() function. By changing either that object's layer, or where you call the Draw() function (depending on your case), you can control the depth at which it is drawn. There is however no functionality to sort different verlet groups within the same verlet system after they are created. Groups within a system will be drawn in the order in which you added them with the VerletGroupCreateRope() or other functions. If you need to change them dynamically, you could either create multiple verlet systems, or write a new function inside the VerletSystem() constructor, which rearanges the "verletGroups" ds_list. Hope this helps!

Danke (:

Vielen Dank! :)


Danke! Ja, wir hätten auch gerne noch mehr eingebaut, aber zum Ende hin ist die Zeit zu knapp geworden (:

Vielen Dank! Wir hatten viel Spaß beim ausdenken^^

Danke :D Ich hab den Soundtrack jetzt auch mal hochgeladen.

Thank you very much :) Also thanks for the bug report!

Thank you :) some day I want to add more features to it when I can find the time :D

Hi! There is no fullscreen mode implemented, sry. I made this game for a jam and ran out of time^^

Thank you :)

Thank you for the feedback! I will probably make a bigger game with the idea since all the feedback was so positive :)    There is actually a doublejump in the game (though I never explained that anywhere)^^

Cool game! Gameplay was nice even though it was a pretty hard  right from the start. Maybe make it a bit slower, at least in the beginning.    The tutorial dialog was funny^^ Nice job :)

Loved the game! I really enjoyed the gameplay, very unique idea!  I also liked that you had not only the sign making but also the story parts. (Even though the story was really sad :/ ) The third tool was a bit confusing at first but I managed it^^  Great job overall!

Nice arcade game. I really enjoyed the sound design in this one. Good job :)

Interesting game. Nicely balanced the ammo and hp. Every time I got low I found enough loot to fill me up again. The enemys where sometimes a bit overwhelming and can drain the hp extremely fast when there is nothing to hide. Sound effects felt a bit repetivie. But overall was fun! Good job.

Thank you :)

Thanks for the feedback! (:

Thank you for the kind words! It's really rewarding to hear that some people like the game so much :) I think with all the positive feedback I got I will make an actual game out of this. Motivation for my old projects was getting pretty low so it would be cool to work on something new. Especially an arcady game like this wich is playable from a very early stage and doesn't require multiple years of development while still not being playable^^ So thanks again for your feedback, it really means a lot to me (:

Hi! Thanks for the feedback! I agree, it's pretty hard. Effects can be a bit much too :P    should have added an option to turn them down.. When I make a new version there will be more time for testing such things^^

Thank you haha^^ Yeah I had little sleep while making this. I'll probably go a little easier at the next jam, it really was to much  stress :D

Thank you! Glad you liked it :)

Maybe add some different tasks to make the gameplay more interesting. I mean it's a cool idea but just connecting plugs for 10 minutes wasn't really fun for me :P

Thanks for the feedback!  The difficulty is really a big problem for most players :P In an updated version there will be better balancing.

Thank you :)   I sadly did not have enough time for proper   user testing and balancing so it got pretty hard    :P

Thank you very much :) Currently there is no real goal except trying to go as far down as possible :P

Nice! I've managed to rate about 26 so far I think but wanted to play way more so that's cool.


Thank you for playing (:

I think they keys work fine for this game. Most games use Z and X so it felt a bit random to use the other keys. When you change this though you really need remapable controls since on european keyboards the Y and Z keys are swapped wich is very annoying^^ I personally  prefer to play with WASD but idk if thats fitting for this game.

I think I had the issue with integrated gpus before. You can somehow change that and force gm to use the other gpu but I totally forgot that this  problem existed.

Thank you :)