Loved it! Very fun and nice variety. Only feedback, perhaps have colourblind settings to have symbols showing what type of unit each is.
Recent community posts
Brilliant game, but currently stuck on a level. I love puzzles games but when I get stuck for too long I appreciate a walkthrough or at least a hint so I can progress. Perhaps you could publish a walkthrough some time? It has been a few days now, each time spending about 2 hours and still haven't cracked it. The level is +3 Cage. Just to make it clear, I understand what to do in theory. But I am havong trouble working out how to do that in practice!
I know this probably isn't the right place to ask but I couldn't find it anywhere else, what do green and rainbow ores do? I assume they currently don't have a use and will in future. Also, just curious, but is the rock at the bottom of the map indestructable? Or do I need to upgrade my mining tool more? Great game though!