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Jan Douwe

A member registered Sep 17, 2022

Recent community posts

wait, maybe i undestood it wrong. i am looking for a relight option in the ingame "esc" menue, or when the stand alone is in youre modfolder. and you start the game with the mod enabled, its allready working?  i tought it would create a ESC meneu where you can switch it on or off?

(1 edit)

yeah. I will try the script mods first then. But will do it tomorrow. Its bed time for me now, i will let you know if i find what mod is the issue.

(1 edit)

i put back in those mods i took out earlier tough. exept for addition game settings. that one gives a error, so the standalone mods doesn't open on savegame start up.

i was using youre test branch version at first. and now i saw youre standalone version was done, and dicided to try that one. but i dont seem to get a ingame menue for the mod. i noticed it does not work with additional game settings mod. so i deleted that from my modfolder, and cleaned my chader cache and log. but again i did not seem to get a menue ingame. deleted more script mods like, combine experience, courseplay, dustylands mods. but still no succes on the stand alone.... do you have anny tips i could try?  (oh  and the log is clean, no error's or warnings) 

i use it with additional settings mod too, and have it set to sample folder. for me it works. but i am on a different map tough. 

No problem, take youre time.

and thanks for youre hard work. Making farmsim waaaay more alive

I asume, the standalone version will also be uploaded onto this page?

(1 edit)

Ok nice thanks allot, i will try that one.

Thank you again, the game looks much better with youre lighting. Great job

edit: yes it fixed the warning. perfect

looking really really great. and i installed it the way you mention it in the readme file.

but it give me a Warning tough, this one:

2022-09-17 23:13 Warning (script): 'setColorGradingSettings': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: String. Actual: Nil 

2022-09-17 23:13   2022-09-17 23:13 D:\auto_builder\cache\svn\1439bdbdb2e647a66733235d7978a817\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (903)2022-09-17 23:13 : 2022-09-17 23:13 expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType

2022-09-17 23:13 LUA call stack:

  dataS/scripts/environment/Lighting.lua (172) : setColorGradingSettings

  dataS/scripts/environment/Environment.lua (400) : update

  dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (1257) : update

  dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (1972) : update

  dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (577) : update

  dataS/scripts/main.lua (1225) : update