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A member registered Mar 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Just all around a really good game. The story was good, the art was good, the sounds were good, the voice acting was good. It was all just good.

Hecking amazing game! The writing is super fun, super intriguing, the RTP of RPG Maker MZ is used super well, it's just a really fun experience. The battle felt a little repetitive (just spamming the same moves), but maybe that's just my impatient brain. Besides for that, no complaints!

The themes for the first Fancy World of Blending are:

Space, Slimes, Retro, and Meta

Good luck to you all!

Due to a troll that somehow became mod, everyone on the Discord server was kicked. This is partly my fault for not kicking the troll, but as he was a mod, it felt wrong to do and I was too worried I'd do something wrong. Because of me, this issue has occurred. I hope you all can join again and continue having fun times, and we will try to make sure that this doesn't happen again.

This is still my game...

Thanks for the comment! I went back and balanced some things, so hopefully the enemies will be less of a problem this time.

As long as it is either an adaptation, takes place in the same world, or takes themes and/or elements from a published book, it is allowed.


Sorry about the migraine, but I'm glad you seem to be having fun! I added in the save slots like you suggested. Thanks for that suggestion!