In case you are still alive i finally finish the demo but with proper health and ammo this time.
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um was it intentional to have a specific number to upgrade like for example i have 5000 spirits but the ranking option wont allow me to buy the upgrades that only need 500 points however i can buy the higher ranking skill that cost the exact 5000 i have oh and call me stupid but is there supposed to be a dot besides l and I in the login because i cannot find the dot anywhere to add it.
thanks i will try oh boy your game has shaped up since the last time i played it in my channel i hope it gets the title of rpg maker classic oh yeah i discovered some glitches like when the boss the shackled gets stuck idled and does nothing or the giant humanoid chaser enemy gets glued to the walls and cant get out.
Oh boy i cannot wait what you been cooking all this time by the way thank you for dedicating in making this awesome survival horror game no doubt this will be a rpg maker classic heck even better than the witch house how rare it is to find a good horror game that is not walking around boring haunted houses these days.
And you have alot of people pretending that many horror games that follow the exact same running and hiding haunted house simulador gimmick is engaging and fun when in reality it gets really boring fast and gives the horror game a lack of replay ability i mean look at the steam library of horror games there are more about walking around with shovel ware assets than originals Remember make your game more replay able instead of a one time experience look at lost in vivo that has secret endings and easter eggs enough to warrant a replay even then without the extras it can still be replayable look at cry of fear a game heavy on item managment and combat that is still replayed by people both old and new and think of every walking simulador that became popular and was forgotten quickly like visage or judas or wick.
Oh yes i am so happy that there are more horror games with combat mechanics resource managment and interactive exploration like in sound mind and hollowbody and zero protocol you have no idea how long i have been searching for horror games with combat there is is just so little of it you ever wondered if people were brainwashed to believe that in order for a game to be class as horror it needs to be like amnesia or outlast run and hide,jumpscares,furries etc i mean just because i never got scared with silent hill or the thing does not take away the fact that those games are still horror at the end of the day.
I mean of course look at your game it looks and plays better than a walking simulador how many horror games try to hard to be scary only for them to be forgotten and ignored because everyone is so focus on feeling scared that they forget to have fun i mean can you imagine if resident evil and silent hill stop being horror games just because they did not offer them the feeling of fear in about 30 years i would not be surprise if these games get the it is not horror because it did not make me feel fear treatment.