Works like a dream! Thank you so much, Ramza! Bless!
(Also the changelog gave me a good laugh ;) )
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Hey, so the fact that you had trouble replicating it ate at my brain, and lead me to try starting a new blank project, only adding in VisuCore, your CraftCore and CraftMZ, all at their defaults. I still got the same window break. But then I tried dropping VisuCore in your test demo - and it works fine! So I spent the last day or so slowly copying chunks of my project into your Craft Demo, and as of a few moments ago I have the entirety of it transcribed and seemingly working fine. All the same plugins, maps. events, settings (that I'm aware of), everything. And behold:
I know this isn't a super ideal solution in the grand scheme of things, but I wanted to update you in case it might help narrow down where the problem was occurring if you still wanted to check it out, but I'm fine with calling this a fix.
I've really appreciated your time, Ramza. Thank you.
Hey, sorry friend. I disabled the category window, and that just removed the item/weapon/armor/clear bar (as I suspect it's supposed to) but nothing came back. All my futzing in the visu core plugin (version 1.41) has only made things worse - I deleted the title menu entirely a few times, and then found an option that removes everything except the result menu from your crafting screen (disabling overlays).
It's obviously not an emergency, I can work on plenty of other things for awhile but I'm out of my depth. If you would give it a look the next time you have some time, I would be forever grateful. And thank you for your quick responses!
Mendel Save Thanks for your time! The offending plants will be the "New Species" nearby when you load in.
Things I've tried: Moving the plants works, but even moving and deleting them will just have them reappear in their new position. Naming the species doesn't prevent it from reappearing, and I backed up this save and started a new island, the issue persists on the new island. I can confirm that I used to be able to delete plants, so if there's just been a hiccup along the way and a fresh install is the answer, well there are far worse things.
Thank you very much for your time and responses :)
I'm having an issue where removed plants (RClick to move plant, press Q to delete) will return when I load up my save again. I thought it was a one-time quirk, but over the last few sessions I'm starting to have piles of unwanted immortal plants cluttering up my little island. Is there a fix or something I can try? Playing on Windows 10.
P.S. This game has brought me many soothing days and I love it otherwise.